Nanite of the Living Dead
- Pumpkin seeds are now awarded at the end of a Pumpkin alert
- Pumpkin spawning improved (fixed an issue where they weren't spawning enough)
- Added proper iron sights to Candy Cannon
- Wearing Halloween masks in VR Training no longer updates objectives
- Leatherface objective should now update properly
- Striker is now automatic fire, meaning you can hold the mouse button down to fire off all rockets
- Increased fire rate of striker from 100 RPM to 150 RPM
- Cof adjusted to grow 0.5 degrees per shot instead of 2 degrees
- The above changes combined are intended to make the weapon feel better when firing and reduce the amount of time exposed when firing off all five rounds.
- Increased direct damage from 100 to 200
- Adjust vehicles resistances so that damage is mostly the same per hit
- While damage per hit does not change against vehicles, this change will increase effectiveness against infantry. Effectiveness against vehicles is increased with the fire rate adjustments.
- Lock-on range of striker increased from 15 meters to 20 meters
- This is just to make it a little easier to lock on to aircraft, especially large ones.
- VK_OEM key support
- Using numpad keys should no longer disrupt sprinting
- Windows key should now work correctly
- Projectiles from vehicle weapons should appear to fire in the proper direction
- Reverted an accidental increase to camera shake
- EU flag is now rectangular
- Red dot sights visibility will no longer be affected by the time of day
It doesn't directly state that you get seeds at the end of an alert even if you didn't find any pumpkins, but I assume that's the case since otherwise the change would be largely useless.
The thing I was noting earlier today about pumpkins spawning less in the last 30 mins is probably the issue they're talking about above.