Outfit News Air Anomaly Event - 02 March 2019 - 20:00 UTC


Active Member
Staff member
Squad/Class Leader
Sep 8, 2015
Hi guys.

PaffDaddy of Cobalt is putting together an event for all interested.

All signed up players will be split into either TR or NC prior to the the event, whi will be hosted on Jaeger. With the assistance of a dev an air anomaly will be spawned and contested by the two teams with the winner being the team that has earned the most points at the end. The overall winners will be the side that has won two out of the maximum three rounds.

We can sign up as a group with the cap being set at 12 members. Anyone interested should reply in here so that I can submit the group signup. We have until the 17th of February to do so.

The official rules are here: https://goo.gl/T3cXNw .

As you can see, lockons are allowed as are Libs and Gals, so this is not limited to ESF pilots.