New account type will be introduced. (US accounts only)
Q: I don’t see PlanetSide 1 mentioned anywhere, are they eligible for this program?
A: We will offer PlanetSide 1 as free to play game for everyone when the new program rolls out, on or about April 29th, 2014 (or sooner!). Please note that PS1 has no Marketplace and will not see further game development. We know that a large number of people have played it in the past, and we hope you’ll enjoy it again, on us.
PS1 client:
Q: I don’t see PlanetSide 1 mentioned anywhere, are they eligible for this program?
A: We will offer PlanetSide 1 as free to play game for everyone when the new program rolls out, on or about April 29th, 2014 (or sooner!). Please note that PS1 has no Marketplace and will not see further game development. We know that a large number of people have played it in the past, and we hope you’ll enjoy it again, on us.

PS1 client: