Name: James Nice
Age: 23
Location: Sheffield, England.
Previous Planetside experience: Played from Beta as NC on Cobalt:
Switched to TR Miller in January:
Outfit history (if applicable): Currently a member of Freelancers Union and been with for about 6 months. Enjoy everything about the Outfit other the fact that alot of the members dont tend to play past 11 and noticed BRTD activity past that hour.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Battlefield 3. League of Legends. Company of Heroes.
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: High skilled player with decent experience, online regularly and puts in the effort. Ive also put alot of money into this game have all the mad swagga sheit (joking).
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? Larger scale, more members active, top end on leaderboard despite being a large outfit, made me curious about your platoons and organization. Also saw the Battle Report on Planetside 2's youtube page and figured you guys must be the top dogs on the server.
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead: In-game.
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? I have a fully certed mozzie that im good with but enjoy the teamwork of infantry and ground forces too.
Anything else you'd like to add: Its nice to be important but its more important to be Nice. hehe
Also apologies for the different forum name and in-game... registered before seeing the join us app.
Your battle Rank: 67
Planetside 2 Statistic :
Age: 23
Location: Sheffield, England.
Previous Planetside experience: Played from Beta as NC on Cobalt:
Switched to TR Miller in January:
Outfit history (if applicable): Currently a member of Freelancers Union and been with for about 6 months. Enjoy everything about the Outfit other the fact that alot of the members dont tend to play past 11 and noticed BRTD activity past that hour.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Battlefield 3. League of Legends. Company of Heroes.
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: High skilled player with decent experience, online regularly and puts in the effort. Ive also put alot of money into this game have all the mad swagga sheit (joking).
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? Larger scale, more members active, top end on leaderboard despite being a large outfit, made me curious about your platoons and organization. Also saw the Battle Report on Planetside 2's youtube page and figured you guys must be the top dogs on the server.
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead: In-game.
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? I have a fully certed mozzie that im good with but enjoy the teamwork of infantry and ground forces too.
Anything else you'd like to add: Its nice to be important but its more important to be Nice. hehe
Also apologies for the different forum name and in-game... registered before seeing the join us app.
Your battle Rank: 67
Planetside 2 Statistic :