Name: Kaesetoast (RL: Alex)
Age: 34
Location: Germany
Previous Planetside experience: BR 68 NC on Woodman and BR 39 VS on Cobalt
Outfit history (if applicable): Woodman-NC = Kiss my Gun (german outfit) and Cobalt-VS = German Inc (german outfit)
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: i played lots of games but now focusing on PS2
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Experince with the other factions and a good and loyal soldier for TR
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? i was looking for a big international outfit
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead PS2 Universe stats
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? Engi and Light infantry are main, but i play everything needed. My Air-Dogfight skill is very low but i try on
Anything else you'd like to add: i am working on BR 20 and think i will reach it in some days
Your battle Rank: 14
Planetside 2 Statistic :!/5428013610437771921/
Age: 34
Location: Germany
Previous Planetside experience: BR 68 NC on Woodman and BR 39 VS on Cobalt
Outfit history (if applicable): Woodman-NC = Kiss my Gun (german outfit) and Cobalt-VS = German Inc (german outfit)
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: i played lots of games but now focusing on PS2
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Experince with the other factions and a good and loyal soldier for TR
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? i was looking for a big international outfit
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead PS2 Universe stats
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? Engi and Light infantry are main, but i play everything needed. My Air-Dogfight skill is very low but i try on
Anything else you'd like to add: i am working on BR 20 and think i will reach it in some days
Your battle Rank: 14
Planetside 2 Statistic :!/5428013610437771921/