Name: Chris Cunningham
Age: 27
Location: Liverpool, UK
In-Game name: Currently bouncing between ApolloCreed and MisterAegir in-game for beta, will be MisterAegir/Aegir come launch depending on what I can reserve with Alpha Squad
Previous Planetside experience: Played PS1 for a number of years on and off, mainly as I had an All Access pass to go between SOE games. Got in the beta for PS2 thanks to still having a PS1 active sub and been enjoying it ever since.
Outfit history (if applicable): Probably far too many to name if I'm perfectly honest
I've ran many in my time as well as be part of some. Gives me a very different perspective than most as I know a lot of different aspects of MMO guilds.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: If you want a list (just MMO's) EQ, EQII, WoW, PS1, MxO, EvE, CoH, PotBS, Rift, APB, G&H, SWTOR, TSW, and now PS2.
Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: I have a lot of experience in gaming but also organisation. I'm very much the team player but I have led large engagements in PvP situations before now and I'm not afraid to set up when needed. I'm also a very friendly and approachable guy I feel so I like to be there to help those in the outfit who need it and I don't have so much of an ego where I'm not afraid to ask for it myself
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit: Mainly because of my career choice, I know a number of the community team over at SOE, so I spent some time asking round for outfits they'd either personally had good experiences with or heard good things about and you guys always came up on top. With it coming close to launch I wanted to get settled in with a group and this outfit looks to be a good fit.
What do you want from BRTD: Mainly your organised play. For the most part of beta I've either ran solo or just hopped into a squad as it pleased me and the best times I've had have been if I've got in a squad of organised players. So really looking forward to that aspect of the game with you.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft: I'm very much a heavy assault infantry player. I like the mix of play I get from the class for both infantry targets and vehicles/aircraft. I will honestly say I currently suck at flying as I can't grasp the controls of it on a keyboard and mouse, so will probably look into getting a joystick to get into that further.
Anything else you'd like to add: I should probably point out at this point what my career is. I started out as a member of the live events team on Matrix Online, before moving to Pirates of the Burning Sea to handle all kinds of things with the community from live events to their user content program. Moved on to Gods and Heroes as their EU community lead before being offered a post with Apple to be part of their marketing/communication team here in the UK. I should point out that although I know a lot of folks at SOE, I do count them as friends so please don't ask me to contact them about x and y issues in game. I'm here just to play and besides all they'd tell me is what I'd tell you; use the official channels for getting answers, SOE support, the forums, facebook, twitter etc. Provided everyone's cool with that then we'll have a blast
Age: 27
Location: Liverpool, UK
In-Game name: Currently bouncing between ApolloCreed and MisterAegir in-game for beta, will be MisterAegir/Aegir come launch depending on what I can reserve with Alpha Squad
Previous Planetside experience: Played PS1 for a number of years on and off, mainly as I had an All Access pass to go between SOE games. Got in the beta for PS2 thanks to still having a PS1 active sub and been enjoying it ever since.
Outfit history (if applicable): Probably far too many to name if I'm perfectly honest
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: If you want a list (just MMO's) EQ, EQII, WoW, PS1, MxO, EvE, CoH, PotBS, Rift, APB, G&H, SWTOR, TSW, and now PS2.
Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: I have a lot of experience in gaming but also organisation. I'm very much the team player but I have led large engagements in PvP situations before now and I'm not afraid to set up when needed. I'm also a very friendly and approachable guy I feel so I like to be there to help those in the outfit who need it and I don't have so much of an ego where I'm not afraid to ask for it myself
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit: Mainly because of my career choice, I know a number of the community team over at SOE, so I spent some time asking round for outfits they'd either personally had good experiences with or heard good things about and you guys always came up on top. With it coming close to launch I wanted to get settled in with a group and this outfit looks to be a good fit.
What do you want from BRTD: Mainly your organised play. For the most part of beta I've either ran solo or just hopped into a squad as it pleased me and the best times I've had have been if I've got in a squad of organised players. So really looking forward to that aspect of the game with you.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft: I'm very much a heavy assault infantry player. I like the mix of play I get from the class for both infantry targets and vehicles/aircraft. I will honestly say I currently suck at flying as I can't grasp the controls of it on a keyboard and mouse, so will probably look into getting a joystick to get into that further.
Anything else you'd like to add: I should probably point out at this point what my career is. I started out as a member of the live events team on Matrix Online, before moving to Pirates of the Burning Sea to handle all kinds of things with the community from live events to their user content program. Moved on to Gods and Heroes as their EU community lead before being offered a post with Apple to be part of their marketing/communication team here in the UK. I should point out that although I know a lot of folks at SOE, I do count them as friends so please don't ask me to contact them about x and y issues in game. I'm here just to play and besides all they'd tell me is what I'd tell you; use the official channels for getting answers, SOE support, the forums, facebook, twitter etc. Provided everyone's cool with that then we'll have a blast