Name: Kilian
Age: 19
Location: Germany
Outfit history (if applicable):
Was a "first-hour" member of the TCOR (The Core) Outfit on Miller.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
Arma 2/3, Crysis 1/2/3, Dota 2 ,Blacklight Retribution, Warframe, Counter-Strike, Tribes Ascend
Do you have a mic? Yes/No:
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A(nother) loyal member for the BRTD, fun and victories.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit?
I thought it was a good Idea, since I'm more active lately.
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead
YouTube, Streams, forums, in-game
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft?
I'm very flexible at this point, but most of the time I play Heavy Assault and Engineer.
Also I'm really good at flying with the mosi.
Anything else you'd like to add:
Your battle Rank:
Planetside 2 Statistic :!/5428011263331468033/
Age: 19
Location: Germany
Outfit history (if applicable):
Was a "first-hour" member of the TCOR (The Core) Outfit on Miller.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
Arma 2/3, Crysis 1/2/3, Dota 2 ,Blacklight Retribution, Warframe, Counter-Strike, Tribes Ascend
Do you have a mic? Yes/No:
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A(nother) loyal member for the BRTD, fun and victories.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit?
I thought it was a good Idea, since I'm more active lately.
How did you hear about Better Red Than Dead
YouTube, Streams, forums, in-game
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft?
I'm very flexible at this point, but most of the time I play Heavy Assault and Engineer.
Also I'm really good at flying with the mosi.
Anything else you'd like to add:
Your battle Rank:
Planetside 2 Statistic :!/5428011263331468033/