Ok, so this is the product:
Here is the review:

Here is the review:
"This shirt has changed the entire way I do business. People look at me different and my street cred is off the charts. I hope that one day I can work up to the tiger. I'm not there yet.
Update 1: Okay, last weekend I wore this shirt to a high-stakes Hold'em tournament. I walked in, the music stopped, everyone threw their money at me and left. As I said, changed the entire way I do business. Believe it Jack!
Update 2: Wow. Good things, they are a happenin' to the guy wearing this shirt. Buy it!
Went to a bar over the weekend wearing my kitten face shirt (without skinny jeans, of course). When I walked in the music stopped. All eyes veered in my direction. The bartender brought me a Bud, free, and suddenly I was surrounded by women. Just like in a beer commercial. That Dos Equis Most Interesting Man in the World guy be damned. It doesn't take a keen intellect, a Paul Bunyan beard, and dangerous exploits to get the girl (or in my case, girls). You just need this shirt. That's a fact. Twenty bucks. Changes. Your life.
I can see a tiger shirt on the horizon.
Update 3: I know, right? By now you realize this shirt is magic. Must have been woven by elves.
Warning: Guys, if you're on T, go off now and wear this shirt. My T, when wearing the shirt, is that of a professional tuffguy. You'll easily best Chuck Norris in a fistfight wearing the shirt (Do not pick a fight with Chuck Norris without wearing this shirt. See Mount St. Helens for reference as to what happens if you decide to tussle with Chuck without wearing your Kitten Face. Just sayin', don't say I did not warn you!$). I do not insult Chuck lightly either. It's just a fact, Jack! Buy. This. Shirt. You'll be served spilling flagons of ale by Valkyries while karate fighting Thor in the dining room of Valhalla. Seriously.
Update 4: Okay, before anyone gets hurt: DO NOT wear this shirt next to anyone wearing a Three Wolf, One Moon shirt! The only way I can describe it is using a scene from Family Guy, where Peter fights the chicken (if you haven't seen it, YouTube it). All's I can say is that it took three weeks in the IU to heal my body from the awesomely epic battle. Don't say I didn't warn you. All I'm sayin'.
Update 5: Well, I was thinking that I'm ready for a Tiger Face shirt. Not so much now, I still am coming to grips with the awesomeness that is the Kitten Face. Here's a bit of sage advice: if you can't handle a Chevette, what makes you think you can handle a Corvette? I think it was Peter Parker or Hulk Hogan that said: "With great power, comes great responsibility." That's true with this shirt."
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