Forum BRTD Community Social Media Guidelines

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Not a people person
Nov 6, 2012
1. Policy Statement

This policy is intended to help 'BRTD' (A gaming community) service users or affiliates make appropriate decisions about the use of social media. Examples of social media covered by this policy include (but are not limited to) blogs, wikis, social networking websites, podcasts, forums, message boards, streaming content (live or pre-recorded) or comments on web articles.
  • This policy may be amended at any time.
  • This policy outlines the standards we require BRTD service users to observe when using social media.
  • By using 'BRTD' services, you hereby consent to be bound by the terms contained within this document. Furthermore, in so agreeing, you accept that you shall have no right of action against 'BRTD' or its service users for the content that may be expressed, contained or provided.
2. Who is covered by the policy
  • This policy covers all individuals at all levels and ranks, including senior officers, officers, media officers, veterans, members, recruits, guests and third party affiliates that are using or have used 'BRTD' services. The above shall be collectively referred to as ' BRTD' service users.
3. The scope of the policy
  • All 'BRTD' service users are expected to comply with this policy at all times to protect the privacy, confidentiality and interests of 'BRTD' as well as 'BRTD' services, service users, partners, customers, and competitors.
  • Breach of this policy may be dealt with under the 'BRTD' disciplinary procedure. In addition 'BRTD' reserves the right to employ any and all applicable law(s) with respect to the pursuance of violations of our social media policy
4. Responsibility for implementation of the policy
  • All service users are responsible for their own compliance with this policy and for ensuring that it is consistently applied.
  • Any breach of this policy should be reported to a senior officer.
5. Using social media sites in our name

Only authorized individuals shall be permitted to post, comment, upload or contribute on any social media form, type or forum in our name or on our behalf. Any breach of this provision may result in action(s) being taken subject to section 3.

'BRTD' service users must not:
  • Stream or post live or pre-recorded content without the express permission of a senior officer. Such permission will be granted in writing. Any other form of authorization shall be void.
  • Publicize personal, private or any other type of conversation(s) that are conducted or take place on either 'BRTD' forums, DBG, Planetside 2 or 'BRTD' voice communication technology.
  • Upload, post, or forward any content belonging to a third party unless you have that third party's consent
  • Encourage others to take part in the above-prohibited activity.
If you are in any doubt as to what you can and cannot say using social media, then please contact a senior officer of 'BRTD'.


'BRTD' accepts no liability for the beliefs, content, conversations, posts, links or promotion(s) as provided by its service users. Additionally, 'BRTD' does not endorse or share any of the beliefs, comments, ideas, opinions or views that may be expressed by its service users. Service users state the above at their legal liability and risk.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2014
'BRTD' service users must not:
  • Stream or post live or pre-recorded content without the express permission of a senior officer. Such permission will be granted in writing. Any other form of authorization shall be void.
  • Publicize personal, private or any other type of conversation(s) that are conducted or take place on either 'BRTD' forums, DBG, Planetside 2 or 'BRTD' voice communication technology.
  • Upload, post, or forward any content belonging to a third party unless you have that third party's consent
  • Encourage others to take part in above prohibited activity.

This basically prevents people from posting videos of their own gameplay without permission or am I misreading this? Even if it's solo gameplay? Also, any video that contains Mumble conversations is prohibited? What is the definition of a "third party" in this case?

This entire post seems to be very "corporate" in its wording - what's going on? Why do we need to have this policy at all?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2013
Yep, we are missing definitions point in whole this policy.
Also sound like little madness for me but well so far i don't even have YT account.
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Potato Simulator
Oct 2, 2012
First of; let me say that the officers haven’t had a chance to discuss our social media policy yet. This should happen on our next officer meeting (4th of January). These are merely a rough sketch so we have a starting point when it comes to adjusting and fine-tuning the rules.

The primary reason behind the update of these rules is due to; that it have been brought to our attention that some individuals doesn’t want their voice published on public video or streaming websites (youtube, twitch etc.). The officers have also been made aware that a lot of the conversation that takes place in our mumble channel can be quite offensive to external viewers, who either don’t have context or understand that while the general tone in BRTD’s mumble channel can appear to be very harsh, racist and hurtful to certain groups of individuals (different sexual or religious orientation and people with certain racial heritage). None of this banter has any weight behind it, and is of course all meant in lighthearted fashion.

The reason why this have become a problem, isn’t due to the Co-leaders having created new Tumbler accounts and are trying to shame everybody in the outfit with our “white male privilege”, but is due to that we have realized that a few our members lives in countries, where there’re a certain degree of censorship.
This mean if their voice is caught on tape and brought before a judge in their country they could face a possible jail/fine sentence.
Other members could face social exclusion in their country due to the opinions they voice (e.g. Hitler was OK, Gay people are a bunch of fags etc.).

The primary objective of this policy is to limit the amount of “hatefull” banter that reaches public video or streaming services, which could be misinterpreted by certain individuals. This is in order to reduce the possibility that any member of BRTD could face real life consequence, because of the bullshit and banter they spoke in a closed forum with likeminded people.

As I said in the start, we still need to fine tune the policy, but solo montage videos and gameplay that takes place outside our mumble channel should never be a problem.
In general we want the person who is recording or hosting the stream, to make everybody aware that he is currently recording what is being said, so people don’t say something they’re going to regret later down the line.
This is something we have done for our Scrim Videos, were both myself and Aggro made everybody aware that we were recorded and bantering against ELME, ORBS and YBuS should be avoided, so we didn’t hurt our outfit relation with them, by calling them shitters or scrubs.

More information will come once we have had a chance to discuss the finer details, but I hope this explains we rough idea behind this social media policy.


Interwebs Mechanic
Staff member
Jul 20, 2006
Ireland, Galway
moved to outfit chat, meant to lock the thread, but will leave open for now to allow discussion on the policy.

I will move stuff to another thread later on.
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Not a people person
Nov 6, 2012
This policy/guideline, whatever you want to call it was taking from our old files in 2013 and have not been changed since then, aside from a few tweeks to the formating.


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 21, 2013
I'll hopefully be there Monday, but in case I'm not my two key points would be;

In general we want the person who is recording or hosting the stream, to make everybody aware that he is currently recording what is being said, so people don’t say something they’re going to regret later down the line.
If you are actually at risk of facing prosecution for what you say, then take precautions and don't say it. Welcome to the internet.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
It's pretty straight forward - it's a common sense code of conduct but more importantly, for the outfit, it acts as a disclaimer. Personally I wanted to go with the *HARDCORE* version - but I was told to keep it light ;)


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 21, 2013
It's pretty straight forward - it's a common sense code of conduct but more importantly, for the outfit, it acts as a disclaimer. Personally I wanted to go with the *HARDCORE* version - but I was told to keep it light ;)

Yeah we should include a disclaimer regarding minors and Londo... :)
Jun 21, 2015
'BRTD' service users must not:
  • Publicize personal, private or any other type of conversation(s) that are conducted or take place on either 'BRTD' forums, DBG, Planetside 2 or 'BRTD' voice communication technology.

In general we want the person who is recording or hosting the stream, to make everybody aware that he is currently recording what is being said, so people don’t say something they’re going to regret later down the line.
This is something we have done for our Scrim Videos, were both myself and Aggro made everybody aware that we were recorded and bantering against ELME, ORBS and YBuS should be avoided, so we didn’t hurt our outfit relation with them, by calling them shitters or scrubs.

More information will come once we have had a chance to discuss the finer details, but I hope this explains we rough idea behind this social media policy.

Bump for a possible review on the above? I am concerned about privacy, not only my own, but outfit interna and people's personal stuff unknowingly being broadcasted.
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