Directives aka PS2 Achievements


Grand Saber
Officer Star Citizen
Oct 28, 2012
Dundalk, Ireland

Scheduled for May


Status: In Progress
Directives are our version of achievements. What makes our system different is that we want to utilize it to direct new players while still creating a system that is relevant to veteran players.

Provide session-to-session goals and rewards, create a record of achievement, allow showing off those achievements, and give some direction / expose systems to new players.

Directive organization
Directives are groups of achievements that have multiple tiers to them. With the exception of the “Tutorial” category, all directives will have 5 tiers to them, each with a name and associated badge for completion. The tiers are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Auraxium. The set of all tiers of a directive are referred to as a directive tree. Completing each tier awards directive points, cert points, and a badge unique to each directive tree and tier within that tree. Completing an entire tree can unlock additional directive trees for further mastery.

Directives are all per-character achievements, but some of the rewards are per-account.

Showing Off Your Achievements
Each tier of a directive unlocks a badge unique to that tier and awards directive points. The Badges can then be displayed in various locations to show them off to other players. One prominent location will be the death screen. When you kill a player they will see the badges you have chosen to display. We expect the badges to be available in other areas such as the Players site, with more coming in future updates. A player’s Directive Score will also be visible in many locations, including the Death screen.

Both the badges and directive points are earned per-account, so you can display an earned badge and your overall score on any character on the account, even on your freshly created BR1 on a different empire.

There are three types of rewards for directives, depending on what is accomplished.

Directive Tier Reward
This is the reward for completing a single tier in a directive.
Typically this will be directive points, certs, and a badge for display of your achievement.
The higher the tier, the larger these rewards are.

Directive Tree Completion Reward
This is the reward for completing the final tier in a directive, Auraxium. In addition to being a high-value tier to complete, it may also have additional character-level rewards like titles or items.
Completing all of the tiers of a directive can unlock new directives.

Directive Point Rewards
These rewards are unlocked by accruing directive points on any character and unlocks account-level rewards at regular intervals.
Solid-color camos, including a solid and metallic empire specific colors (Red/Grey for TR, Blue/Gold for NC, Purple/Cyan for VS), and neutral solid white, grey, and even black camo.
Permanent account-wide XP and resource bonuses.
Alternate versions of default weapons, such as a Platinum T1 Cycler, Gauss SAW, or Beamer.

Directive Categories
Here are the categories we plan to have, with directive trees for each one.

This is a special directive set that introduces players to various game systems as they ramp-up on the game.
This is active after the interactive tutorial and includes directive tiers that instruct the player and provide information on how things like AMS, attachments, camos, etc. work.

Role Directives
These are focused on mastery of a specific role in the game, broken down into “Infantry, Vehicle, and Strategic” categories.
Examples: Infiltrator, Armor support, Marksman, Dogfighting, Anti-air, Anti-tank, Logistics, Objectives, Amerish Veteran

Prestige Role Directives
These are unlocked after completing specific role directives. These are much harder to achieve and almost all require the player to go after other players who have unlocked the achievement.
Examples: Mosquito Ace, Vanguard Commander, Sky Warden (Anti-Air), Liberator Ace, Assassin (Infiltrator), Sapper (Engineer), Sniper (Marksman)

Weapon Expert Directives
These are a set of directives revolving proving mastery in various weapon types by earning medals on multiple weapons of the same type, depending on type. For example, Auraxium-tier might be “Earn Auraxium on three different Assault Rifles”
These are broken down into Infantry Expert and Vehicle Expert categories.
Examples: Carbine Expert, Prowler Expert, Rocket Launcher Expert, Explosives Expert, Liberator Gunner Expert.

Weapon Mastery Directives
These are unlocked after completing an “Expert” category directive, and involves mastering nearly every weapon of that type.
Examples: Carbine Master, Mosquito Master, SMG Master, Shotgun Master


Marksman (Infantry Role) – Demonstrates mastery of long-range kills (requires you to kill enemy infantry at range with any weapon for credit)
Bronze: 10 infantry kills at 70m or more
Silver: 60 total kills at 70m or more, 20 total headshot kills at 70m or more
Gold: 185 total kills at 70m or more, 70 total headshot kills at 70m or more
Platinum: 435 total kills at 70m or more, 140 total headshot kills at 70m or more, 30 kills with a Carbine at 70m or more
Auraxium: 935 total kills at 70m or more, 350 total headshot kills at 70m or more, 30 kills with a Pistol at 70m or more

Dogfighter (Vehicle Role) – Demonstrates mastery of air-to-air combat kills (requires you to destroy enemy ESFs while in an ESF, must be in an ESF to earn credit)
Bronze: Down 10 total enemy ESFs
Silver: Down 60 total enemy ESFs, earn a killstreak of 2 enemy ESFS in one life
Gold: Down 185 total enemy ESFs, earn a killstreak of 3 enemy ESFs in one life, Earn 20 ESF kills with the Rotary weapon system
Platinum: Down 435 total enemy ESFs, earn a killstreak of 4 enemy ESFs in one life, Earn 20 ESF kills with the Tomcat weapon system
Auraxium: Down 935 total enemy ESFs, earn a killstreak of 5 enemy ESFs in one life, Earn 20 ESF kills with the Coyote weapon system

Reaver Ace (Vehicle Prestige Role) – Unlocked after earning Dogfighter Auraxium as NC (requires you to destroy enemy ESFSs while in an ESF, and the targets must be pilots who have unlocked an Ace tree)
Bronze: Down 30 enemy Aces
Silver: Down 180 enemy Aces
This is a prestige role that not a lot of players will unlock and only the most dedicated pilots will take to Auraxium

Combat Driver (Vehicle Role) – Demonstrates mastery of being a combat driver in any ground vehicle
Bronze: 20 Driver Assists
Silver: 120 Driver Assists, 20 Roadkills

Logistics (Strategic Role) – Demonstrates mastery of bringing AMS support to a fight
Bronze: 30 AMS spawns
Silver: 180 AMS spawns, 20 Deploy Assists

Indar Veteran (Strategic Role) – Demonstrates a veteran of the Indar theater of war and mastery of the continent and various locations on it.
Bronze: Capture 10 outposts on Indar
Silver: Capture 60 outposts on Indar, Discover 2 points of interest on Indar

Carbine Expert (Weapon Expert) – Demonstrates proficiency in carbine type weapons
Bronze: Earn 3 Copper medals with three different Carbine weapons
Silver: Earn 3 Silver medals with three different Carbine weapons

Will I get credit for what I’ve already accomplished?
For the Weapon Mastery directives which require medals which are easily known we will be able to award directive completion toward that type of directive for medals already earned.
Due to not having data as specific as many of these directives require, for the Role and Prestige Role directives we will not be able to give credit for past achievement when the system goes live.
What about medals that were made after I already earned many kills on a weapon?
We plan to go back and award medals properly for players who have earned kills with a weapon that later had medals added or fixed.

My opinion is that this is completely fair to add. With the exception of the Indar achievement requiring you to visit "points of interest" none of the achievements seem to get in the way of the standard game, at the very least no more than auraxium grinding already does. They'll probably put stuff like the snowman event at Christmas as event specific achievements, but that type of stuff only gets in the way of the game for only a week or so. I'm looking forward to the day this is added and I have to sit through 5 minutes of achievement unlocking fanfare.

And I know someone will be happy with new shit to grind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2013
I was interested right up until the point where I read that you won't be able to display the badges where it matters... On your character.
Never been interested in the industry standard achievement system so... Meh, but good for those that do care.