Elite: Dangerous recruit application from The Music Meister

Jun 17, 2016
Member Name The Music Meister

Do you agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

What is your primary account name?
The Music Meister

Country of Residence?
United States

How did you hear about BRTD?
Found a mention on a help thread on Reddit.

How many hours do you plan to play per week?

Why do you want to join BRTD
I found myself in dire straits needing help with a huge mission, and I had bitten off more than I could chew. I found a mention of BRTD on a guide post on Reddit and thought I'd hop in to see if anyone was able to help. As soon as he heard I needed some help, Scudmungus immediately jumped to the task and stuck with me for almost 3 hours to help me finish the mission, spending his own time and some of his own credits to make sure I was able to complete it successfully.

That's the kind of community I can get behind.

What other gaming organisations (if any) have you been in?
666th Devil Dogs, Signal

Anything else you'd like to add?
I may not be in the same time zone, but I work evenings, so I'll be playing stuff from 10 or 11 am to about 2:30 pm Central time, which lines up to European afternoon/evening if I'm not wrong.

I also used to play Planetside 2, and could probably be convinced to play again with a properly good group :p


Recruitment Officer
Jan 20, 2013
Bristol, UK
Devil Dogs eh? You'll know @Rolfsky then maybe...? Well even though this is an ED application, you'll be more than welcome to play PS2 with BRTD :)
On to the official reply:
Welcome to BRTD @The Music Meister

I would like to take the time to welcome you as a trial member of BRTD! Our outfit is represented by Red Dice Systems in the Elite: Dangerous universe.
You have been accepted on a 4-5 week trial basis which is a standard procedure for all new recruits.

Please Read this information.

To gain access to the members section of the forums, please head to this link and click "Join User Group". Fill in a reason as 'Recruit access' or something similar and a member of staff will give you access rights as soon as possible.

It is required that you download Mumble which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our mumble server click here.
Please start using Mumble as soon as possible so our officers can register you and get you into the thick of BRTD operations. When you first log onto mumble you will not have the appropriate rights to move move into other channels, so just hold tight and a staff member will pop up and welcome you to the outfit and get you started.

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

Whilst not mandatory, it really helps if you can sign up to Inara. It's the closest thing to an organised Guild function for the game and you will see the names of all the other BRTD commanders so you can add them to your friends list. Once you've signed up, you can apply to the BRTD wing by clicking here.

Please join us on our social networking sites :
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
And have a look at some of the following useful links :
BRTD Elite: Dangerous Guides and Information
Frontier Forums
Elite: Dangerous Reddit

We hope you enjoy your time with us!
