Thank you Connery, you've been a gracious host!
Greetings /r/Planetside! As you all know, the Briggs server has recently been down and out for quite some time. During that down time the Briggs community has pulled together (more so than usual) and invaded Connery as one large fighting force for (what was) the most under populated faction on the Connery server, the Terran Republic. We've had a great time shooting you all up (and being shot up), but now the Briggs server is operations again it's time for us to go home and get back to our elite squad ops and generally mouthing off while we shoot each other in the face.
As a community we'd like to thank Connery for putting up with us. Some of you loved having all us crazy drunken Aussies around making things a little more exciting on the battlefield and others were deeply troubled by our singular drive in combat and were less than impressed with the effect we had on server population (sucks when the shoe is on the other foot right VS?).
The Connery server (and the world) is invited to a Briggs community event - The Briggs Counter Invasion
Now that the Briggs server is up and running. We welcome all Connery (and world) Planetside 2 players to participate in a counter invasion of the Briggs server! We have been working on this as a Briggs hosted Planetside 2 community event for a little while now (we've has lots of spare time for planning) and we're sure the players of Connery would love a chance at some revenge on Briggs as well as spend a little time getting to know your neighbours from across the Pacific.
How it will work
Just like Briggs flocked to the lowest population faction of Connery (the TR) under the banner of [FmB] (FromBriggs), we are inviting players of Connery and the world to do the same on Briggs by joining the lowest population faction of the Briggs server, The Vanu Sovereignty under the banner of [FmC] (FromConnery) (or however you wish to identify yourselves) and test your strength against the might of Briggs.
Just like we Briggs players did during the Connery server invasion, we strongly encourage all Connery players to name their characters on Briggs in the format of <PlayerNameFromConnery> so we can identify you, you can identify each other and make sure every FromConnery player gets an invite into the counter invasion outfit!
We want this event to be at the best possible time for both Connery and Briggs players, so it's much easier for Briggs players to compromise on time than is it for those on Connery. The US West prime time period matches up perfectly with the morning to midday period here on Briggs so all Connery players need to do is gather up and log in to Briggs during your own prime time on Friday and Saturday nights (or whatever other time you feel like shooting some Australians)
We're also working on getting a team speak server for you all to use during this event too so you guys can experience the chaos (like we did LOL) of having your entire server crammed into a single 500+ slot TS server and trying to coordinate your movements over a million voices at the same time!
We look forward to having you all on the new and improved Briggs server under one flag to test us in combat!
We've also as a community been working on advertising material to start throwing around Planetside 2's social media outlets to advertise this event. I'm running a Station Cash give away competition at the moment with the top 3 posters taking away 1500 SC each for their efforts. You can check out all the posters we'll be using (and a few we will not be using) here:
If you guys want to vote on your favourite advertising posters for this event, feel free and get in fast! I'm drawing the winners tonight so you all have some time to leave your mark on the competition!
Here are the posters our community has made for the counter invasion so far:
TL; DR: get your ass at Briggs, play VS & pewpew!
Thank you Connery, you've been a gracious host!
Greetings /r/Planetside! As you all know, the Briggs server has recently been down and out for quite some time. During that down time the Briggs community has pulled together (more so than usual) and invaded Connery as one large fighting force for (what was) the most under populated faction on the Connery server, the Terran Republic. We've had a great time shooting you all up (and being shot up), but now the Briggs server is operations again it's time for us to go home and get back to our elite squad ops and generally mouthing off while we shoot each other in the face.
As a community we'd like to thank Connery for putting up with us. Some of you loved having all us crazy drunken Aussies around making things a little more exciting on the battlefield and others were deeply troubled by our singular drive in combat and were less than impressed with the effect we had on server population (sucks when the shoe is on the other foot right VS?).
The Connery server (and the world) is invited to a Briggs community event - The Briggs Counter Invasion
Now that the Briggs server is up and running. We welcome all Connery (and world) Planetside 2 players to participate in a counter invasion of the Briggs server! We have been working on this as a Briggs hosted Planetside 2 community event for a little while now (we've has lots of spare time for planning) and we're sure the players of Connery would love a chance at some revenge on Briggs as well as spend a little time getting to know your neighbours from across the Pacific.
How it will work
Just like Briggs flocked to the lowest population faction of Connery (the TR) under the banner of [FmB] (FromBriggs), we are inviting players of Connery and the world to do the same on Briggs by joining the lowest population faction of the Briggs server, The Vanu Sovereignty under the banner of [FmC] (FromConnery) (or however you wish to identify yourselves) and test your strength against the might of Briggs.
Just like we Briggs players did during the Connery server invasion, we strongly encourage all Connery players to name their characters on Briggs in the format of <PlayerNameFromConnery> so we can identify you, you can identify each other and make sure every FromConnery player gets an invite into the counter invasion outfit!
We want this event to be at the best possible time for both Connery and Briggs players, so it's much easier for Briggs players to compromise on time than is it for those on Connery. The US West prime time period matches up perfectly with the morning to midday period here on Briggs so all Connery players need to do is gather up and log in to Briggs during your own prime time on Friday and Saturday nights (or whatever other time you feel like shooting some Australians)
We're also working on getting a team speak server for you all to use during this event too so you guys can experience the chaos (like we did LOL) of having your entire server crammed into a single 500+ slot TS server and trying to coordinate your movements over a million voices at the same time!
We look forward to having you all on the new and improved Briggs server under one flag to test us in combat!
We've also as a community been working on advertising material to start throwing around Planetside 2's social media outlets to advertise this event. I'm running a Station Cash give away competition at the moment with the top 3 posters taking away 1500 SC each for their efforts. You can check out all the posters we'll be using (and a few we will not be using) here:
If you guys want to vote on your favourite advertising posters for this event, feel free and get in fast! I'm drawing the winners tonight so you all have some time to leave your mark on the competition!
Here are the posters our community has made for the counter invasion so far:
TL; DR: get your ass at Briggs, play VS & pewpew!