Planetside 2 General Recruitment Application from InquisitorMu


New Member
BRTD Member
Feb 28, 2020
Username: InquisitorMu

Click yes to indicate that you have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

Which game(s) are you the most interested in? Planetside

If relevant, what is your characters level / battlerank?
3 (previously 30+)

If you have a Planetside character, please post a link to your character from:
Click here!/5429137261087861665

Why do you want to join BRTD
Because I loved playing in the fit before, returning to play again

How did you hear about BRTD? In-Game

What is your primary character name? (must match forum name)

What is your discord name? (must match, can be changed later) Mu

Region, Timezone GMT - Greenwhich Mean time (UTC 0)

Anything else you would like to add? Nope. Just hope I am approved ^^

Approved by: dnaRIP


Staff member
Community Leader
Feb 14, 2012
Welcome to BRTD @InquisitorMu

I would like to take the time to welcome you as a trial member of BRTD!

Please Read this information.

To gain access to the members section of the forums, please head to this link and click "Join User Group". Fill in a reason as 'Recruit access' or something similar and a member of staff will give you access rights as soon as possible.

It is required that you download Mumble which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our mumble server click here.
Please start using Mumble as soon as possible so our officers can register you and get you into the thick of BRTD operations. When you first log onto mumble you will not have the appropriate rights to move move into other channels, so just hold tight and a staff member will pop up and welcome you to the outfit and get you started.

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

Please join us on our social networking sites :
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
And have a look at some of the following useful links :
Planetside Universe
VanuLabs Youtube
PS2 Official Twitch
PS2 Official News
Mumble Website

We hope you enjoy your time with us!
