Planetside 2 General Recruitment Application from nocodrico123


New Member
BRTD Member
Jun 29, 2020
User name: nocodrico123

Click yes to indicate that you have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

Which game(s) are you the most interested in? Planetside

If relevant, what is your characters level / battlerank?

Why do you want to join BRTD
I have been playing planetside 2 since early 2013 when it was still in beta. This game is my passion and I love every aspect of it. To me, there are no alternative games to planetside 2 when it comes to combined arm battles.

I have not played with many outfits in the past but most outfits I played with felt casual, i.e., platoon leaders would set up some way points and squad members would blindly run towards them. I want to be able to cooperate with my squad mates, to communicate with my team mates and to work with my commanders, I want to experience the actual millitary aspect of this game, that is to follow a chain of commands and fight for the Terran Republic.

From what I have heard, BRTD is the right outfit to join for this type of play style. BRTD is a millitary outfit and all its members take this game with seriousness and will work with eachother, and there is a chain of command. I may not be an expert at this game, but my passion and my love for strategic and millitarty styled gameplay makes me the right person to fight for BRTD and for the Terran Republic.

How did you hear about BRTD? In-Game

What is your primary character name? (must match forum name)

What is your discord name? (must match, can be changed later) nocodrico123

Region, Timezone GMT - Greenwhich Mean time (UTC 0)

Anything else you would like to add?

Approved by: Haresus


Officer Planetside
Oct 26, 2018
Welcome to BRTD @nocodrico123

You have been accepted on a 4-5 week trial basis which is a standard procedure for all new recruits. The officers should carry out promotions quarterly. If you aspire to advance beyond this rank we expect you to take initiative and be generally helpful, discuss with your officer what this entails.

Our community is represented in many games, among others are;

Planetside - as BRTD - officers in charge; TheBinarySurfer, Aggropatics, Haresus, PanicTR4, PastryGeneral
Star Citizen - as BRTD and Silverwolf - officers in charge; Purestorm, Gun Pow, Enjie, DeltaWidow
World of Warcraft - as BRTD - officers in charge; Ghostchant, Lilyanya, 1lamafarmer, Mywicked

Please Read this information.

It is required that you download Discord which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our Discord server click here. Remember to associate your forum account with discord by clicking here. If you do not complete this step you will not automatically get the appropriate rank and rights on discord.

After joining discord, please visit the "Get Roles - Rules - Info" section and then the "Get-roles" channel and select which games you want to receive @ notifications for. Please notice the " ? info- " channels, they contain useful guides, info and our weekly itinerary.

Feel free to also join us on our social networking sites:

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

We hope you enjoy your time with us!


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