How to geek out your nephews: DIY Blowdart Blasters


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
As the youngest of my nephews turned 6 years old and both are already Star Wars fans, I thought it might be a good time to introduce them to my favourite thing when I was a kid: paper blowdart shooting.

1. The materials are quite simple: A few PVC and plumbing parts from your local home-improvement store plus some glue and matt black airbrush paint. Don't forget duct tape.

2. After an afternoon's work this came out. Mind you, I'm not a handyman by any means (and frankly, it kinda shows a bit). It's the power of duct tape that saved the day here:

3. I took a somewhat liberal approach to Han Solo's blaster and the Imperial Stormtrooper rifle because ruggedness and function have priority over authenticity here. For instance, the E-11 Blaster rifle is about the same size as in the movies but the DL-44 Blaster pistol is longer because both of these babies are designed to shoot this:


4. The end result: Priceless smiles :)
If you zoom in/click picture you'll notice that I actually managed to put crosshairs on them as well.


Now if only someone could show me how to make a blowdart version of the T9-Carv...
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