Infantry Armor


New Member
Mar 29, 2013
Apologies if there is a thread somewhere covering this already, but.

For the different classes, what is the "best" armor to be spending certs on
Obviously i realise for some classes it willbe x, some classes y but any hints tips would be welcome

Equally if there are some recommended cutoffs i.e. its not really worth spending the certs past 3 for x armor it would be appreciated. i suppose thats the eve equivalent of knowing whether to skill level 5 :p

Thanks in advance



New Member
Mar 29, 2013
p.s. i have no clue why this is in teh suggestion box and not in the forum section i thought i was posting in, i have derped somewhere clearly.

I blame trig


New Member
Nov 9, 2012
I usually run Medic or Engi, with the occasional infil. I would suggest:

As medic: go flak!!!!! Seriously, this will save your life so often. As a medic you're often standing behind friendlies, or holding inside a room or small building and you need to survive the innevitable grenade or tank shell coming in. Your buddies may die by the dozen so long as you are still there to rez them afterwards.

As engi: I used to go nano-weave because I like repairing towers and such and max level nanoweave allow you to survive most sniper rounds. However, if the test server is any indication, they've added side covers to the small walkways leading to turrets. So if you're crouching, you'll be pretty much safe from any sniper, I think. I've yet to really test this out, but I think I'll be switching to flak as well soon.

As infil: This depends entirely on what you want your role to be as infil. SMG running and gunning, you should probably go nanoweave. Sneaking behind enemy lines, I would suggest flak to survive any bouncing bettys or claymores. IF you want long range sniping from the rear or flanks, I run additional ammo. I tend to run out of ammo before they find me, and without bullets, you can't do much.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
[quote="Jackal314159" post=15888]Apologies if there is a thread somewhere covering this already, but.

For the different classes, what is the "best" armor to be spending certs on
Obviously i realise for some classes it willbe x, some classes y but any hints tips would be welcome

Equally if there are some recommended cutoffs i.e. its not really worth spending the certs past 3 for x armor it would be appreciated. i suppose thats the eve equivalent of knowing whether to skill level 5 :p

Thanks in advance


Ok so it depends on how you play each class. When playing heavy assault you are often going up against tanks and other things that go boom, as such I would go for flak armour or whatever its called. As a medic you are nearly always further back in the fight or in peoples faces getting mates up, the chances of going up against armour is low so I would go for nano weave, light assault I would go for nano weave also, mainly because you don't really "trip" mines as you're going through windows and such and you're always getting shot by something. Now engie is tricky if you play allot on the turrets like the mana turrets I would go for the flak amour as they render miles away and you're very likely to be shot by a tank, however, if you're more of a support engie (dropping ammo reping max units up and such) then I would go for nano, finally infiltrator I would go for nano weave here again, tanks hardly ever see you when your stealthed and will not waste ammo if they think they seen you, infantry will!

Hope that helps



Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
I prefer grenade bandolier on my light assault, those extra 2 grenades can do wonders around a zerged SCU or clogged cap points.

If I'm sniping I use ammo pouches for the infiltrator and if I'm a SMGing bastard I mostly use Nanoweave.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
[quote="YamiNoTenshi" post=15895]I prefer grenade bandolier on my light assault, those extra 2 grenades can do wonders around a zerged SCU or clogged cap points.

If I'm sniping I use ammo pouches for the infiltrator and if I'm a SMGing bastard I mostly use Nanoweave.[/quote]

I would use the bandolier but I use medpacks so often as Im REALLY aggressive in my light assault that if I had 2x nades too I would be out of resources in two resupplies lol


New Member
Mar 29, 2013
Thanks for the replies so far, in return, i shall give you all a laugh, albeit at my expense :p

So i ofc had trained all armours to 1 and some to 2 since its bugger all point cost and was after which ones to develop further and to make sure i hadnt missed something obvious.

So upgraded some and just logged in to change any mismatchs from the replies so far.
It actually turns out that whilst having purchased armour for all classes to some level, i hadnt actually fitted any to my loadouts, EVER. Instead for some fooking reason known only to me i think i got confused that teh armour decal "composite" was in fact doing something.

So i am already at least 10% better off and i have done fook all



New Member
Mar 12, 2013
I've played all classes but engineer, with differing success rate mind you. However, there's a few things to say about the different armors. Mainly nanoweave actually.

Max nanoweave sets you back 1211 certs. For this you gain 25% more health. Sounds good right? Well, everyone has 500 health, shields are another 500 (400 for infils). But nanoweave, as far as we all know, only covers health. So that's 125 extra hp. To put that in context, that's 1 body shot from a TR SMG at 10m. It's 0.6 of a bullet from a Gauss Saw at 10m. Generally it is regarded as 1-2 bullets extra under ideal circumstances. In other words, you are not likely to notice its existence in 99 out of 100 cases. In my opinion it is a complete waste of certs.

However, it does have a few redeeming features. Nanoweave 4, from what I've heard, will let you survive a mine with minimal health. Nanoweave 5 means you will survive a sniper headshot with minimum health. If the Heavy Assault resist shield was 100% reliable and not randomly bugging out it would mean that you gained extra health as the resist shield resists 45% damage. However, the resist shield is bugged right now and doesn't always work.

I use nanoweave 1 since it's 10% for 1 cert when I start a character out. However, I switch it out as soon as I've bought some other stuff.

For the light assault I run grenade bandolier, but as Sharpe pointed out, you can become resource starved very quickly. If I'm not running grenade bandolier I run flak armor.

For the medic there is only one option and that's flak armor. You will be exposed to so many explosions!

For the HA there is only one option and that's flak armor. I know some people disagree with me as they run resist shield or what not. However, I'm pretty sure they can't actually back up nanoweave being worthwhile with actual numbers. When they 'feel' they survive better I think it's a placebo effect in 99% of the cases. Of course, when resist shield works it's nice. But it's unreliable and doesn't protect against everything. You'll be at the front lines, and the front lines ALWAYS EXPLODES. Flak armor, get it.

For the engineer I don't know for sure but I imagine it would be grenade bandolier or flak armor.

For infiltrator it's grenade bandolier or flak armor if you're running SMG. If you're running sniper I'd suggest flak armor or nanoweave. Flak armor will help against airplanes and tanks while nanoweave will help you getting counter-sniped.

So why flak armor? It let's you run over a mine taking minimal damage. It allows you to survive a grenade, grenade launcher, rockets, tank rounds, libs, esf's and anything else that goes boom. I'm not entirely sure about this but I THINK it only works when it's not a direct hit. So that's a bit of a downside. But on the plus side, most people are shit at aiming so they rarely hit you straight on with their explosives.