Planetside 2 Planetside 2 Application from Seiko


New Member
Dec 25, 2018
User name: Seiko

Do you agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

Country of Residence?

What is your primary character name?

How many hours do you plan to play per week?
3-5, 5-10

Why do you want to join BRTD
I had always interest in joining a proper Outfit for Planetside 2. And i have been searching for a while and this seems like a good place to settle down me boots and start shootin B)

How did you hear about BRTD? Browsing Reddit

What have other gaming organisations (if any) you been in?
I have been in some now dead Counter Strike clans, some Destiny 1 and 2, and back in the oooold days a Call of Duty 1. sadly they are all no more

It seems my current character is in the wrong faction so i would have to make a new one and main that. so it would be [1] but id do my best to grind my way back up

Planetside 2 Player URL:
Just Sign in on the Planetside 2 Player website and copy the URL of your Character. Click here!/5428703501285422577

What area are you most interested in? (Armor, Air, Infantry)
Infanty. I would like to be on the field and support my teammates with either repairs or healing.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I know i am a mostly newbie with not impressive stats but i am slowy improving and i promise proper results.

Approved by: Juggernaut


Interwebs Mechanic
Staff member
Jul 20, 2006
Ireland, Galway
Welcome to BRTD @Seiko

I presume this is your character:!/5428812948093311009

I would like to take the time to welcome you as a trial member of BRTD! You have been accepted on a 4-5 week trial basis which is a standard procedure for all new recruits.

Please Read this information.

It is required that you download Discord which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our Discord server click here.
Please start using Discord as soon as possible so our officers can register you and get you into the thick of BRTD operations. When you first log onto Discord you will not have the appropriate rights to move into other channels, please make sure to connect your Discord account to as this will guest you rights to move around.

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

Please join us on our social networking sites:
And have a look at some of the following useful links:
We hope you enjoy your time with us!
