Hi Folks,
Here is a quick on how to do a repair install of Planetside 2, this can fix issues with disconnect, crash to desktop and many others issue with PS2
1. Start Planetside 2 with your shortcut. Before Clicking PLAY, look for the Wrench icon on the left.

2. Open the Game Directory

3. Make a new folder called backup and copy these files:

4. copy the selected files to a backup folder. You can then delete them. close the Folder
5. Click Validate Game Assets

6. Click Validate to start the check of Planetside 2 files

7. it has redownloaded the missing files and check all other files for corruption.

In theory, You can now click play and run the game.
Here is a quick on how to do a repair install of Planetside 2, this can fix issues with disconnect, crash to desktop and many others issue with PS2
It's entirely possible you're experiencing the result of one or more corrupt game files, run your Planetside 2 Launchpad and log in, but do not press play. Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a hexagon surrounding a wrench) in the lower left and then choose the option to open game directory. In the window/folder that comes up, locate, make backups of, and delete the following files:
Click on the Validate Game Assets menu option and then press the green Validate button to have the Launchpad check your game files, and download any missing or corrupt files.
- PlanetSide2_x64.exe
- UserOptions.ini
- SoundSettings.xml
- LoadingScreen.xml
- InputProfiles_User.xml
- vivoxoal.dll
- vivoxsdk.dll
Click on the Validate Game Assets menu option and then press the green Validate button to have the Launchpad check your game files, and download any missing or corrupt files.
1. Start Planetside 2 with your shortcut. Before Clicking PLAY, look for the Wrench icon on the left.

2. Open the Game Directory

3. Make a new folder called backup and copy these files:
- PlanetSide2_x64.exe
- UserOptions.ini
- SoundSettings.xml
- LoadingScreen.xml
- InputProfiles_User.xml
- vivoxoal.dll
- vivoxsdk.dll

4. copy the selected files to a backup folder. You can then delete them. close the Folder
5. Click Validate Game Assets

6. Click Validate to start the check of Planetside 2 files

7. it has redownloaded the missing files and check all other files for corruption.

In theory, You can now click play and run the game.
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