Planetside 2 Recruit Application from Mikenumbers


9-Tailed Fluffy Cameraman
Jun 21, 2016
United Kingdom
Member Name Mikenumbers

Do you agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

What is your primary character name?

Country of Residence?
United Kingdom

How did you hear about BRTD?
I've played since closed beta, I've always known about BRTD.

I always considered joining BRTD due to it being casual and being allowed to have 'fun' as far as I'm aware, I stayed in my previous outfit for as long as I did because of friends, if not for them I might have applied 1-2 years ago.

Though I did have a fun time playing with one of your members today in a Harasser, name was MrGioTrs which made me think to apply.

I mean why not? If it doesn't work out and the outfit doesn't do the kind of things I enjoy then I can always part ways, no harm done, right? The only way I'll find out is to apply.

How many hours do you plan to play per week?

Why do you want to join BRTD
From what I've been told, BRTD allows 'fun'.

Harasser squads, Valk/Striker shenanigans, armour columns, battlebuses? That kind of thing.

I don't mind playing in squads and working towards an objective, but try to understand I don't want to do it all the time, I was told that you can do, drive/fly or play just about anything as long as you're being useful.

Not 100% sure but I could have sworn I was told that BRTD isn't completely about the objective either, that you have fun messing around here and there, cloaker stabbing squads, anti vehicle squads, that kind of thing... though I might be confusing BRTD with another outfit, please correct me if I'm wrong.

While I was in Goon, I stayed there for 3 years, 3 years but mainly because of my friends (and I miss them dearly), Goon used to be a spec-op outfit, doing what was necessary as and when needed while being led by Bargus, MAX crashes, anti-vehicle squads, harasser squad or simple basic point holds.

The Goon outfit I knew and love died a while ago and mostly devolved into Galdrops and point holding with a good chunk of being thrown into a meatgrinder and being told that somehow it meant something... I've capped so many thousands of bases it just doesn't mean much to me any more, I just want to have some fun while I do it.

I have nothing against that kind of gameplay, but its not for me which is why I finally managed to bring myself to leave.

Been looking for an outfit ever since, I do miss playing in a squad sometimes and hoped to find a group of like-minded people who just want to have fun, I don't mind supporting a base capture but could I be in a Kobalt harasser outside with a driver keeping them away from the point? Those kinda things.

What other gaming organisations (if any) have you been in?
Goon Brigade (3 years+, was community manager for a year and half, if I recall correctly)


Planetside 2 Player URL:
Just Sign in on the Planetside 2 Player website and copy the URL of your Character. Click here!/5428010618034906897

What area are you most interested in? (Armor, Air, Infantry)
Fun... mainly Armour/Air with a bit of Infantry as necessary.

Anything else you'd like to add?
My activity is on and off due to IRL but I aim for at very least once a week for 3-4 hours, though I could easily play multiple days a week if nothing IRL gets in the way, if IRL gets busy I might only show up for outfit night (assuming you have them).

While I was in Goon I mainly flew Galaxies for them to drop them on bases, I'm told I was fairly good at it (or no one else wanted to do it), I wouldn't mind flying Gals again whether its to drop on a base or if using it as a battle-Gal.

To elaborate on the 'areas interested in', I mean gunning for Harassers/Valks, ramming ESFs with my Gal, driving an ANT behind enemy lines and building a turret to hit them in the rear.


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 21, 2013
We are usually active every evening, regular events are Thursday Night OP's, Recruitment/Drunken Friday night and sometimes we have Monday Madness.

Welcome to BRTD @Mikenumbers

I would like to take the time to welcome you as a trial member of BRTD! You have been accepted on a 4-5 week trial basis which is a standard procedure for all new recruits.

Please Read this information.

To gain access to the members section of the forums, please head to this link and click "Join User Group". Fill in a reason as 'Recruit access' or something similar and a member of staff will give you access rights as soon as possible.

It is required that you download Mumble which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our mumble server click here.
Please start using Mumble as soon as possible so our officers can register you and get you into the thick of BRTD operations. When you first log onto mumble you will not have the appropriate rights to move move into other channels, so just hold tight and a staff member will pop up and welcome you to the outfit and get you started.

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

Please join us on our social networking sites :
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
And have a look at some of the following useful links :
Planetside Universe
VanuLabs Youtube
PS2 Official Twitch
PS2 Official News
Mumble Website

We hope you enjoy your time with us!



Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2014
@Mikenumbers In my experience BRTD is mostly about "fun" (as you put it). It's only during ops that objectives sometimes take precedence. We have a few budding harrasser nutters for you to play with (I would be one too if I wasn't enjoying the prowler so much) and the armor group is currently doing very well, so hop on and join the vehicle shitters!
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9-Tailed Fluffy Cameraman
Jun 21, 2016
United Kingdom
Thanks for the replies everyone, been enjoying things so far, took part in the armour column today and had a lot of fun, even after it finished we continued messing around in ANTs and Valkyries, I probably had too much fun as today was probably the longest session of PS2 I've done to date.

So far so good. :3

I also got called a 'no skill vehicle shitter' within 30 minutes of joining the outfit... so there's that, too.


Tanks = PEW PEW
BRTD Member
Jul 8, 2013
I also got called a 'no skill vehicle shitter' within 30 minutes of joining the outfit... so there's that said:
You have graduated in my book


The Dark Wolf
Sep 16, 2016
Welcome to BRTD Mike! We are the coolest outfit in the game and the best one for combined arms or casual/competitive play! ;):cool: