Planetside 2 Recruit Application from squirrelking


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
Member Name squirrelking

Do you agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

What is your primary character name?
Squirrelqueen (TR), Squirrelking (NC)

Country of Residence?

How did you hear about BRTD?
Been on Miller since launch, hard not to. Occasionally played alongside (trained for the Serversmash recently and sat on PTS for a few hours spamming MANA turrets once) but almost always played against, good times! (especially when we were still fielding a dedicated armour squad).

How many hours do you plan to play per week?

Why do you want to join BRTD
I hear the TR bonus cheques are better.

Also we seem to be friends now, that's what the nice planetmans with the fancy uniforms said anyway. I felt it best not to argue.

Now that I'm here I look forward to good fights, good banter and all the usual crap that goes with having a bunch of salty vets in the one place.

What other gaming organisations (if any) have you been in?
WASP Inc (current member)

TR 22, NC 77, VS 12

Planetside 2 Player URL:
Just Sign in on the Planetside 2 Player website and copy the URL of your Character. Click here

What area are you most interested in? (Armor, Air, Infantry)
Armour and infantry are my strongest suits.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I work shifts so weekly sessions may or may not happen. Luckily my back shifts end Wednesday or start Thursday so I can catch you on one side or another.

Added alts for transparency:


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 21, 2013
Hi technically you should leave your current "Not wasp inc" outfit first, but since dna already granted full membership, here are our details and standard welcoming message;

Welcome to BRTD @squirrelking

I would like to take the time to welcome you as a trial member of BRTD!

Please Read this information.

To gain access to the members section of the forums, please head to this link and click "Join User Group". Fill in a reason as 'Recruit access' or something similar and a member of staff will give you access rights as soon as possible.

It is required that you download Mumble which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our mumble server click here.
Please start using Mumble as soon as possible so our officers can register you and get you into the thick of BRTD operations. When you first log onto mumble you will not have the appropriate rights to move move into other channels, so just hold tight and a staff member will pop up and welcome you to the outfit and get you started.

If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.

Please join us on our social networking sites :
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
And have a look at some of the following useful links :
Planetside Universe
VanuLabs Youtube
PS2 Official Twitch
PS2 Official News
Mumble Website

We hope you enjoy your time with us!



New Member
Oct 30, 2016
Hi, looking to rejoin, I've submitted a request in game and joined the Discord server. Details above still (mostly) correct, shifts aren't as brutal as they were but still in the background.

TR25 NC78 VS15
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