Member Name UrbanOxide
I have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead
About You
Character Name (In-game)
Your Age
England, UK, GMT
How did you hear about BRTD?
I just started playing the game earlier today, I am pleased with how the game operates and looks. I spent my first few hours running through the tutorial and playing some maps to get used to the gameplay. However, I can quickly see that to get the most out of the time invested it's wise to join up with other similar circumstanced people. This led me to the forums... and to you guys.
How many hours do you plan to play per week?
What do you hope to bring to BRTD ?
Enthusiasm, comedy, willingness to learn, and activity.
What other gaming organisations (if any) have you been in ?
In-Game information
Your current BattleRank
Planetside 2 Statistics URL: Click here to get your PS2 Statistics url!/8252885335327961713
Preferred playstyle? (if any)
Anything else you'd like to add?
I have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead
About You
Character Name (In-game)
Your Age
England, UK, GMT
How did you hear about BRTD?
I just started playing the game earlier today, I am pleased with how the game operates and looks. I spent my first few hours running through the tutorial and playing some maps to get used to the gameplay. However, I can quickly see that to get the most out of the time invested it's wise to join up with other similar circumstanced people. This led me to the forums... and to you guys.
How many hours do you plan to play per week?
What do you hope to bring to BRTD ?
Enthusiasm, comedy, willingness to learn, and activity.
What other gaming organisations (if any) have you been in ?
In-Game information
Your current BattleRank
Planetside 2 Statistics URL: Click here to get your PS2 Statistics url!/8252885335327961713
Preferred playstyle? (if any)
Anything else you'd like to add?