Hey guys
Today's Monday Night Madness was awesome, thanks to everyone for the great event and props to Stryke for the fun games!
As many others, I really enjoyed the last game (although I sucked at being the asshat), where we changed out words with something we came up with. I streamed the whole thing from the beggining, but for some reason the stream did not archive the video
SORRY, my bad!
Anyways, I took myself the great honor of writing down all the new words we came up with, for the different kind of callouts. Here's a list of them:
Warpgate = North Korea
Medic = Banana Hammocks
Res = Blowjob
Repair = Handjob
Galaxy = cruise missile
Cap point = asshole
Spawn point = floppy donkey dick
[MCY] = Crybabies
Drop = analpenetrate
Ammo (pack) = Pile of shit
Greenies = lemmings
Platoon leader = Asshat
Roger = Homo say what?
VS Warpgate = South Korea
NC Warpgate = America
Frankie = Captain America
NC = America
VS = South Korea
grenade = lube
Resources = swag
Daltons = innocent little girls
Prowlers = predators
Liberators = moneyshots
Maxcrash = gangbang
The Crown = Penis
Healing = Rimming
MAX-units = Kim Jong Il(s)
Infiltrators = Pantsies
Tech Plants = Cheese Cake Production Facilities
Healing = Rimming
Sharpe=Gloriuos Leader
LA = C4 Fairy
If I missed out on any, lemme know and I'll add it to the list. Afterall I did leave before the "end".
Perhaps we can use this list in the future if we feel like doing this for Monday Madness again, or something else!
Today's Monday Night Madness was awesome, thanks to everyone for the great event and props to Stryke for the fun games!
As many others, I really enjoyed the last game (although I sucked at being the asshat), where we changed out words with something we came up with. I streamed the whole thing from the beggining, but for some reason the stream did not archive the video
SORRY, my bad!
Anyways, I took myself the great honor of writing down all the new words we came up with, for the different kind of callouts. Here's a list of them:
Warpgate = North Korea
Medic = Banana Hammocks
Res = Blowjob
Repair = Handjob
Galaxy = cruise missile
Cap point = asshole
Spawn point = floppy donkey dick
[MCY] = Crybabies
Drop = analpenetrate
Ammo (pack) = Pile of shit
Greenies = lemmings
Platoon leader = Asshat
Roger = Homo say what?
VS Warpgate = South Korea
NC Warpgate = America
Frankie = Captain America
NC = America
VS = South Korea
grenade = lube
Resources = swag
Daltons = innocent little girls
Prowlers = predators
Liberators = moneyshots
Maxcrash = gangbang
The Crown = Penis
Healing = Rimming
MAX-units = Kim Jong Il(s)
Infiltrators = Pantsies
Tech Plants = Cheese Cake Production Facilities
Healing = Rimming
Sharpe=Gloriuos Leader
LA = C4 Fairy
If I missed out on any, lemme know and I'll add it to the list. Afterall I did leave before the "end".
Perhaps we can use this list in the future if we feel like doing this for Monday Madness again, or something else!