Events Air Night 4/4/16


Active Member
Staff member
Squad/Class Leader
Sep 8, 2015
OK guys, I'm going to pen in the air night for 4/4/16 at 8pm (GMT).

At the moment I'm just planning on carrying it out on the PTS, however if we get quite a few replies in here over the next few days I'll try to get some accounts for Jaeger.

So far as the itinerary goes, I was aiming at just having some fun carrying out team fights or if people want it we can split into pairs for some practice duels. As I said in the previous post, trying to find equal fights and flying on the live server is tough if you can't find a buddy or two, even then the gank squads can tear you apart.

If possible please respond to this thread with an answer if you are going to take part. Just so I can have a rough idea as to how many people are turning up.

If anyone wants to do anything specific just say so in your reply in this thread.
