Name: Amper
Age: 36
Location: Budapest, Hungary
In-Game name: Amper
Previous Planetside experience:
- around half a year in PS1, also had BFR certification, and maxed squad leadership certifications
- 1 month in PS2 Beta, and PS2 since started
Outfit history (if applicable):
- PS1 Werner, [HEB] "Hungarian Elit Brigade", 2 month
- PS1 Markov, [CL] "Crimson Legion", 4 month
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
- many MMOs: WoW, SWG, Warhammer, Tabula Rasa, EVE, STO, etc...
- many MOA: WoT, NavyField, ExSteel, CS, Space Marine, Team Fortress, etc...
- and many others: Dawn of War, Assassin's Creeds, Battlefields, Starcraft, Red Alert, etc...
- and I'm a game developer
Do you have a mic? yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A dedicated and veteran healer with mature attitude and disciplined team play.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
This outfit has a past so I hope the management has experience in leadership. Also important the age limit. And as a married man it's important to me that the mandatory gameplay is only 2 hours per weer. Usually I play much more, but it gives me a little confident. Also positive for me that the outfit is not a militarist, over-serious one, it's a game after all.
(and I also like the name of the Outfit)
What do you want from BRTD:
To play in a good, organized and mature team when I'm log in to PS2.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
Support Infantry, mainly Medic but I also like the Engineer. (I played these in PS1 too.)
And I also experienced (and also certed a little) in the Armours with the Engie. It's a [CL] heritage...
Anything else you'd like to add:
I know that the recruitment is closed now. As I have no contact to any BRTD member I know I have to wait. I just wanted to submit my application to be there when the recruiting will be opened again.
But I'm ready to join to the BRTD at any time. I don't want to join to any other outfit, so I can wait and I will be available.
Age: 36
Location: Budapest, Hungary
In-Game name: Amper
Previous Planetside experience:
- around half a year in PS1, also had BFR certification, and maxed squad leadership certifications
- 1 month in PS2 Beta, and PS2 since started
Outfit history (if applicable):
- PS1 Werner, [HEB] "Hungarian Elit Brigade", 2 month
- PS1 Markov, [CL] "Crimson Legion", 4 month
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
- many MMOs: WoW, SWG, Warhammer, Tabula Rasa, EVE, STO, etc...
- many MOA: WoT, NavyField, ExSteel, CS, Space Marine, Team Fortress, etc...
- and many others: Dawn of War, Assassin's Creeds, Battlefields, Starcraft, Red Alert, etc...
- and I'm a game developer
Do you have a mic? yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A dedicated and veteran healer with mature attitude and disciplined team play.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
This outfit has a past so I hope the management has experience in leadership. Also important the age limit. And as a married man it's important to me that the mandatory gameplay is only 2 hours per weer. Usually I play much more, but it gives me a little confident. Also positive for me that the outfit is not a militarist, over-serious one, it's a game after all.
(and I also like the name of the Outfit)
What do you want from BRTD:
To play in a good, organized and mature team when I'm log in to PS2.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
Support Infantry, mainly Medic but I also like the Engineer. (I played these in PS1 too.)
And I also experienced (and also certed a little) in the Armours with the Engie. It's a [CL] heritage...
Anything else you'd like to add:
I know that the recruitment is closed now. As I have no contact to any BRTD member I know I have to wait. I just wanted to submit my application to be there when the recruiting will be opened again.
But I'm ready to join to the BRTD at any time. I don't want to join to any other outfit, so I can wait and I will be available.