
Name: Taliesin.

Age: 20.

Location: Hertfordshire, England.

In-Game name: AngryKrogan.

Previous Planetside experience: None.
- Outfit history (if applicable): N/A.

Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
- World of Warcraft (Was in one of the best 25 man guilds on my server, definitely in the top 3, back during The Burning Crusade and into mid-Wrath of the Lich King, cleared all relevant content on a weekly basis before leaving WoW.)
- Team Fortress 2.
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
- Battlefield 3.
- StarCraft 2 (Enjoy watching tournaments more than playing.)
- Various MOBA games (LoL and Awesomenauts currently.)
- Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
- Various Others/Too Many To List!

Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes.

What you hope to bring to BRTD: An eagerness to improve my own skills by playing alongside skilled and enthusiastic people, to help the outfit improve by adding my own skills to yours, generally just a willingness to have fun and kick ass whilst doing so.

What is your proffered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft
Infantry, but I am willing to adapt to any role that is required of me. My only lacking skills in FPS games are my piloting skills, but I plan on buying a good joystick practicing them until I nail them down.

Anything else you'd like to add:
I am not currently in the PlanetSide 2 Beta, I did sign up as soon as the option became avaliable but have had no luck thus far. I am very much excited to start playing in Open Beta, moving on to release, and I am looking to apply to an awesome outfit to get the most out of the game when the game reaches this point.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Hi Taliesin,

We'd be happy to give you a chance in the outfit but we can't really initiate a trial for you until you have access to the beta unfortunately.

What we can do is make a note of your interest at this stage and give you priority access to the outfit when you do gain admittance to the beta.

Until then you are welcome to make use of our public forums and to log into our mumble server using the link at the top (although most of the chatter tends to be very combat centred).

Thanks very much for your interest, and look forward to squading up in game when the time comes :)

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Thanks for the reply. What you've said was all I was really hoping for at the moment! :)

I'll update this post as soon as I gain access to the Beta (hopefully sooner rather than later).


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Else, you buy the alpha-squad-pack and you'll be a beta-tester in 5min.