
Name: Stefanos (Stiv)
Age: 18
Location: Greece
In-Game name: CaptPants
Previous Planetside experience: None.
Other (online) games you have played / acheivements:
DayZ/Arma2 and Total War
Do you have a mic? yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
I'm in the beta and still getting to know things so i wont be much help at first. I'm a fast lerner and can work well with teams of many people.
Anything else you'd like to add: Been playing since today and looking for organized battles and ops.


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 25, 2014
West Midlands, England
We've got players from PS1 Beta and as well as Tech Testers so we have the ability to help out in a few areas atm :)

You have been Accepted into BRTD - Here's a link to our Mumble information page: www.brtd.net/community/Recruitment/1415-new-voice-server (Voice comms like TS3/Vent)
Don't forget to post a quick hello if you haven't in here: www.brtd.net/community/2-Public-Forum/7-hello-and-welcome
I'll ask a admin to register you on forum. Jump on voice when you want and make yourself at home
Click on FAQ Guides on the Home Page (Left Side) if you ever get stuck on anything Forum/Mumble-side.

Cya ingame