Name: Eddie
Referral: Mcdoogleh
Age: 19
Location: United Kingdom
In-Game name: DaWnKiLLa
Previous Planetside experience: None
Outfit history (if applicable): Just started playing, I've been recommended to play and to join an outfit ASAP to help me on my way.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Play League of Legends regularly, used to play Promod Call of Duty 4 sniping extensively. Even further back, played America's Army back in the day and sniped on urban maps. Also played several flight simulators a long time ago, and have real life knowledge of flying. (not that it matters, probably.)
Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Not sure. Only tinkered with this game a few minutes, sniper class looks fun though?
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit: A friend referred me to here, and you seem like a good lot ^^
What do you want from BRTD: Training in aspects of the game, wanting to see if this looks fun.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft: Infantry/Aircraft
Referral: Mcdoogleh
Age: 19
Location: United Kingdom
In-Game name: DaWnKiLLa
Previous Planetside experience: None
Outfit history (if applicable): Just started playing, I've been recommended to play and to join an outfit ASAP to help me on my way.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Play League of Legends regularly, used to play Promod Call of Duty 4 sniping extensively. Even further back, played America's Army back in the day and sniped on urban maps. Also played several flight simulators a long time ago, and have real life knowledge of flying. (not that it matters, probably.)
Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Not sure. Only tinkered with this game a few minutes, sniper class looks fun though?
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit: A friend referred me to here, and you seem like a good lot ^^
What do you want from BRTD: Training in aspects of the game, wanting to see if this looks fun.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft: Infantry/Aircraft