[Application] DLC602



Name: Darren

Age: 28

Location: Leeds, UK

In-Game name: DLC602

Previous Planetside experience: PS1 for around 6 months with fbh.

- Outfit history (if applicable): No, only ran with friends in PS1.

Other (online) games you have played / achievements: I've been playing online games since 1998 where discovered counter strike on a LAN cafe in Leeds with fbh. Been playing various games since then with majority of time spent in EVE.

Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes

What you hope to bring to BRTD: Lot of experience with fps as well as in game squad experience with a couple of players already signed up to your trails, fbh and number2301. Also spent lot of time in EVE leading a corporation for some time.

What is your proffered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft Infantry: Aircraft, or to be exact Galaxy piloting is my calling in this game. I also run engineer/medic when not in the air, but primarily Galaxy. Can adapt to change in circumstances however.

Anything else you'd like to add: Having found a love for Planetside many years ago it is something I am eager to get back into in PS2. fbh has already been telling me about your 'activity's' with 30 Galaxy ramming raids, 30 Liberator ramming raids and a hornets nest of Mosquito's on Sunday. And it all sounds utterly epic :)


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 25, 2014
West Midlands, England
Hi Darren

You have been Accepted into BRTD on Trial Basis - Here's a link to our Mumble information page (Voice comms like TS3/Vent). We Expect you to get on voice server within a week. if you have any trouble please read the FAQ guide or post on our forums for help.
Don't forget to post a quick hello if you haven't in the hello and welcome thread
Click on FAQ Guides on the Home Page (Left Side) if you ever get stuck on anything Forum/Mumble-side.

Server is: EU1
Join a squad as outfit tab does not work

Cya in game