Name: Alan thrupp
Age: 27
Location: Scotland
In-Game name: AKAForsaken
Previous Planetside experience:
ps1 and core comabt
Other (online) games you have played / acheivements:
Ive played everything from eve online too some korean mmo's so a lot too mention but atm im playing bafftlefield 3 (xbox)
, and ps2 beta as you know,
Do you have a mic? yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
I'd Like too bring a dark sense of humour and genral friendlyness on my part ,
Anything else you'd like to add:
Played with brtd a lot during ps1 various chars and mearly fodder too find the bad guys but you guys were a good bunch then and througth mumble it seems your still a good bunch
Age: 27
Location: Scotland
In-Game name: AKAForsaken
Previous Planetside experience:
ps1 and core comabt
Other (online) games you have played / acheivements:
Ive played everything from eve online too some korean mmo's so a lot too mention but atm im playing bafftlefield 3 (xbox)
Do you have a mic? yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
I'd Like too bring a dark sense of humour and genral friendlyness on my part ,
Anything else you'd like to add:
Played with brtd a lot during ps1 various chars and mearly fodder too find the bad guys but you guys were a good bunch then and througth mumble it seems your still a good bunch