[APPLICATION[ GeneralXimus


New Member
Dec 16, 2012
Name: GeneralXimus


Location: England

Previous Planetside experience: Planetside 1 - played alot - CR5 - ran the outfit Elite Terran CALS. Played Beta Planetside 2 - just looking to be a grunt!

Other (online) games you have played / achievements: PS1, Eve Online, WoW

Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes

What you hope to bring to BRTD: Some muscle. I have huge experience in squad and outfit leading - but I am currently not looking for any of that.

What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? I am currently part of Red Gecko - who are a great outfit but it is not very active. Red Gecko usually play in the same platoon as BRTD - and I liked the play style. I also remember from PS1 this outfit being a good force (I also recognized a few old friends and people from my time in PS1)

What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? Infantry and Armoured. I have bought a joystick so I can hopefully become good at Aircraft one day! :)

Anything else you'd like to add: Nope! I hope I get to join your ranks...and maybe...some people may recognize me from PS1 days


Outfit Leader and founder
Staff member
Community Leader
Jan 2, 2006
hello wanbd welcome

log onto mumble and get a outfit invite or catch me in game bigal for invite

fill in request on forums for access to main forums


Please consult the FAQ's (www.brtd.net/faq-guides )and other bits of information on the site in order to gain access to mumble. I am sure Da-Fort will be telling you much of this already. However this site is rich in information - from mumble help to guides. Please post a message into the "Request forum access" topic in the public forum and you will be dealt with in due time.

We also have a steam group, a twitter and a facebook page!.

For mumble see :


You may also find useful outfit related information in the combined information thread: www.brtd.net/forum-s/2-Public-Forum/1355...d-information-thread

If you will, please introduce yourself to the rest of the outfit by making a post here: www.brtd.net/forum-s/2-Public-Forum/7-hello-and-welcome

Check out our Training & Tactical Guides/Suggestions forum to get the low-down on how BRTD operates in-game: www.brtd.net/forum/training-tactics-guides-suggestions

Thank you for showing interest in BRTD. Congratulations on the start of your two week trial. BRTD is forever growing and new blood like you we can only get bigger - and better!

