Name: Daniel
Age: 20
Location: Northern Germany (some small ass village in the middle of nowhere)
In-Game name: Graupel
Previous Planetside experience: Have not played Planetside 1, but have always been interested in it. (couldn't really afford the monthly fee back in the day, and then I lost myself in other games)
Other (online) games you have played / acheivements: Played Unreal Tournament for years, then UT2k4, 'Freelancer' for like 6 years, lately a bunch of MOBA's with RL friends, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Tribes: Ascend, now Planetside 2
Do you have a mic? yes/no: yessir
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Humour, mostly. But I'm not bad at fps' either ;D
I prefer following over leading, I'm a fairly good shot (ingame).
Anything else you'd like to add: Hope to kick some ass with a bunch of organized people instead of just following the zerg on the crown or deffing Zurvan all day.
About myself (aka skip this if you dont care, lol): I have a broad musical taste. Mostly into metal, I have long hair (yeah im one of those guys) I go to festivals fairly often. Yeah thats about the most interesting, heh.
Hope to kick some ass with you guys.
Age: 20
Location: Northern Germany (some small ass village in the middle of nowhere)
In-Game name: Graupel
Previous Planetside experience: Have not played Planetside 1, but have always been interested in it. (couldn't really afford the monthly fee back in the day, and then I lost myself in other games)
Other (online) games you have played / acheivements: Played Unreal Tournament for years, then UT2k4, 'Freelancer' for like 6 years, lately a bunch of MOBA's with RL friends, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Tribes: Ascend, now Planetside 2
Do you have a mic? yes/no: yessir
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Humour, mostly. But I'm not bad at fps' either ;D
I prefer following over leading, I'm a fairly good shot (ingame).
Anything else you'd like to add: Hope to kick some ass with a bunch of organized people instead of just following the zerg on the crown or deffing Zurvan all day.
About myself (aka skip this if you dont care, lol): I have a broad musical taste. Mostly into metal, I have long hair (yeah im one of those guys) I go to festivals fairly often. Yeah thats about the most interesting, heh.
Hope to kick some ass with you guys.