Olaf Weijers
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
In-Game name:
Previous Planetside experience:
At the start of PS1, I was really low on cash and couldn't afford a subscription based game, but a group of about six real life friends (including three who lived in the same house) played the game and I allways used to sit behind one of them.
During the 45 day free time last year I got to play on the account of one of my friends who didn't have time to play anymore.
And I've been in PS2 beta since August.
Outfit history (if applicable):
Not applicable. (I've rejected invites because I wanted to see what all the outfits were like, before joining one.)
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
I've played WoW from closed beta and we've had a guild with my real life friends since day one of launch, later we expanded to friends of friends and eventually we invited all Dutchmen with non-retardic names. (after a short talk to see if they weren't douchebags) And I think eventually we were one of the biggest Dutch guilds, but as time went by people lost interest in the game and many of us stopped playing, last year.
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
Yes, though not of very good quality.
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A group of active friends (and a few les active), who like to work together and with others.
In WoW, the biggest Dutch guild is definitely not big enough to get server firsts, but we were always very devoted and completed many dungeons agains the odds, without optimal groups. (empty slots/low levels/no healers)
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
From our PS1 experience we knew we didn't have enough people to create an effective outfit, so we wanted (as a group) to join another bigger outfit so we could make a difference ingame.
Jingizu is one of my real life friends and he has been in your outfit since the free play time last year, I believe, and he has talked positively about you guys and especially the option for our whole group to join.
What do you want from BRTD:
Teamwork mostly and the option to squad up with familiars instead of randoms I do now.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
I've always liked MAXes and will probably play those the most, but I also like sniping when the situation requires it, when resources are low, cooldown up, or when solo. (but that probably wont happen anymore once in an outfit.
Anything else you'd like to add:
At the moment I know of about 10 real life friends that will most likely also be playing PS2 on release, including Jingizu, who is already in your outfit now.
Olaf Weijers
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
In-Game name:
Previous Planetside experience:
At the start of PS1, I was really low on cash and couldn't afford a subscription based game, but a group of about six real life friends (including three who lived in the same house) played the game and I allways used to sit behind one of them.
During the 45 day free time last year I got to play on the account of one of my friends who didn't have time to play anymore.
And I've been in PS2 beta since August.
Outfit history (if applicable):
Not applicable. (I've rejected invites because I wanted to see what all the outfits were like, before joining one.)
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
I've played WoW from closed beta and we've had a guild with my real life friends since day one of launch, later we expanded to friends of friends and eventually we invited all Dutchmen with non-retardic names. (after a short talk to see if they weren't douchebags) And I think eventually we were one of the biggest Dutch guilds, but as time went by people lost interest in the game and many of us stopped playing, last year.
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
Yes, though not of very good quality.
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
A group of active friends (and a few les active), who like to work together and with others.
In WoW, the biggest Dutch guild is definitely not big enough to get server firsts, but we were always very devoted and completed many dungeons agains the odds, without optimal groups. (empty slots/low levels/no healers)
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
From our PS1 experience we knew we didn't have enough people to create an effective outfit, so we wanted (as a group) to join another bigger outfit so we could make a difference ingame.
Jingizu is one of my real life friends and he has been in your outfit since the free play time last year, I believe, and he has talked positively about you guys and especially the option for our whole group to join.
What do you want from BRTD:
Teamwork mostly and the option to squad up with familiars instead of randoms I do now.
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
I've always liked MAXes and will probably play those the most, but I also like sniping when the situation requires it, when resources are low, cooldown up, or when solo. (but that probably wont happen anymore once in an outfit.
Anything else you'd like to add:
At the moment I know of about 10 real life friends that will most likely also be playing PS2 on release, including Jingizu, who is already in your outfit now.