Name: Jonas
Age: 20
Location: Denmark
In-Game name: Nediarph
Previous Planetside experience:
None actually, i've had the beta for a couple of months... Haven't played much though, just recently i got my computer upgraded enough to be able to play this game with proper fps...
Though i've watched my brother play PS1 a bit when i was younger.
Outfit history (if applicable): None unfortunately.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
I've played a bit of semi-competetive counter strike... Other than that i've played basically every mmo under the sun together with most shooters... So i know my way around a virtual battlefield or 2... Just not one the size of Planetsides
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
Yes i do indeed.. And i tend to use it quite a lot to the annoyance of people i know
- But it takes a bit of time before that happens
Im usually quiet at the start...
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
Well hopefully i should be able to bring a solid player and a friendly face
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
Well... There haven't really been much consideration.. I was picked up randomly in the public squad of your outfit tonight, and since i've wanted to try organized squad/platoon play in PS2 i stuck around and saw that it was good... And thus brings me here in the hope of getting more fun times
What do you want from BRTD:
Not alot actually... Just people to play Planetside and have fun with... And ofcourse getting a more organized play than running around lone wolfing it (even though that is fun from time to time ).
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
My preferred playstyle is most definetly infantry... Though i can do all of them to some degree... As infantry my main is probably infiltrator, though i play the other classes just as well... I just like the play style of infiltrator better, even though i need an SMG...
Anything else you'd like to add:
I heard tonight that Jamriko can boast of a quite powerful ability, that is him being a human sat-nav.... While i can not boast of such a feat... I can read... and i do know how to press the M-key on my keyboard...
Oh and im currently studying Electrical Engineering here in Denmark... So in between the studies and me doing other things... I might not play THAT much... But being in an outfit will probably give me a bigger incentive to play this than path of exile
Age: 20
Location: Denmark
In-Game name: Nediarph
Previous Planetside experience:
None actually, i've had the beta for a couple of months... Haven't played much though, just recently i got my computer upgraded enough to be able to play this game with proper fps...
Though i've watched my brother play PS1 a bit when i was younger.
Outfit history (if applicable): None unfortunately.
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
I've played a bit of semi-competetive counter strike... Other than that i've played basically every mmo under the sun together with most shooters... So i know my way around a virtual battlefield or 2... Just not one the size of Planetsides
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
Yes i do indeed.. And i tend to use it quite a lot to the annoyance of people i know
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
Well hopefully i should be able to bring a solid player and a friendly face
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
Well... There haven't really been much consideration.. I was picked up randomly in the public squad of your outfit tonight, and since i've wanted to try organized squad/platoon play in PS2 i stuck around and saw that it was good... And thus brings me here in the hope of getting more fun times
What do you want from BRTD:
Not alot actually... Just people to play Planetside and have fun with... And ofcourse getting a more organized play than running around lone wolfing it (even though that is fun from time to time ).
What is your prefered play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft:
My preferred playstyle is most definetly infantry... Though i can do all of them to some degree... As infantry my main is probably infiltrator, though i play the other classes just as well... I just like the play style of infiltrator better, even though i need an SMG...
Anything else you'd like to add:
I heard tonight that Jamriko can boast of a quite powerful ability, that is him being a human sat-nav.... While i can not boast of such a feat... I can read... and i do know how to press the M-key on my keyboard...
Oh and im currently studying Electrical Engineering here in Denmark... So in between the studies and me doing other things... I might not play THAT much... But being in an outfit will probably give me a bigger incentive to play this than path of exile