[APPLICATION] number2301



Name: Curtis

Age: 28

Location: Leeds, England

In-Game name: number2301

Previous Planetside experience: A couple of dozen hours in the beta and some team work with a couple of friends
- Outfit history (if applicable):

Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Started a long time ago with a bit of Quake II, then moved on through Halflife deathmatch, TFC, and Counterstrike. Never did an awful lot of competitive play but found that with a bit of thought and intelligence you can overpower people far more skilled than you! I moved away from multiplayer with the rise of COD etc but have been tempted back in with the massive scale and teamwork of PS2.

Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yes

What you hope to bring to BRTD: In all honesty I'm not the best 'twitch' player out there, but I can use intelligence and tactics to see the best way of achieving objectives. I'm also more than happy to be supporting a main force as opposed to seeking glory myself!

What is your proffered play style: Infantry (mostly Medic at the moment, but could be tempted with Engineer)

Anything else you'd like to add: I'm really hoping to find a bunch of guys who I can jump on PS2 with and do some serious teamwork, but without pressure to be on x hours per week. With work and life and all that some weeks I might not be on at all.


You, Me, Closet, 7Min, Heaven, Now..
Oct 7, 2014
Washington, USA
Number number number number number,

Welcome to BRTD! You have been accepted to the Outfit on a 2-week trial period, at the end in which will involve ritual branding and a pinyata! (just kidding!)
At the end of the 2 week period, the Outfit officers will vote yay or nay based on your in-game performance and how cool you can make lightsaber noises on-coms. For reals.
So here's what we need you to do; please download mumble (our version of Teamspeak) and use the "Mumble Login" link at the top of the website or alternatively use the server details listed here: www.brtd.net/community/2-Public-Forum/14...le-voice-server#1907
We will expect you to start using mumble within the next week, if you have any trouble please consult the FAQ section: www.brtd.net/faq-guides or ask an officer who will be happy to assist you (you will need an officer to authenticate you on the mumble server when you first log in).
You may also find useful outfit related information in the combined information thread: www.brtd.net/community/2-Public-Forum/13...d-information-thread
Please also introduce yourself to the rest of the outfit by making a post here: www.brtd.net/community/2-Public-Forum/7-hello-and-welcome
The outfit training officers have a thread set up, so if you require training in any particular gameplay aspect drop them a message at www.brtd.net/community/Tactics-Guides--S...new-members-training
The outfit plays on the EU1 server; our squads are always open and listed. The outfit feature in game is currently bugged so until it is fixed we will not be using it and will be relying purely on mumble and ingame squads.
We are currently developing our combined arms approach and actively looking for more skilled pilots who will eventually form their own division of the outfit, so your mosquito skills will be most valuable to us.
We are currently developing our combined arms approach so there is the potential to branch out into more air or ground vehicle related roles should you want to, but as it stands infantry still form the majority of the skill base in our outfit.
We all look forward to seeing you in game! (stole part of welcome from Placid's speech, me=lazy today)


Thanks for the ... ummm ... interesting welcome ;) I'll have another crack at Mumble tonight. I got on the other day but couldn't get into the squad chat!