
Name: Rob Luxton

Age: 23

Location: Hitchin, England

In-Game name: Tethias

Previous Planetside experience: A fair amount of solo PS1, a long time ago though! Haven't played the original for about 2 years, but i've been playing PS2 beta for the last 3 weeks or so. No outfit history for PS1 or PS2 sadly!

Do you have a mic? yes/no: Yup!

What you hope to bring to BRTD: A lot of experience in online gaming and FPS games, as well as a sense of humor that (hopefully) won't annoy people and my general life outlook of 'Just have a sodding good time'!

What is your proffered play style: Suppose it goes under the title of 'Aggressive Recon'. Right up on the front lines, but still sneaky sneaky. Also i have a big soft spot for being a Galaxy pilot, nothing feels better than hot dropping people in or risking it all to pick up a bunch of people under heavy fire!

Anything else you'd like to add: I'm really hoping to find a bunch of nice and funny people to play Planetside 2 with because the only thing that makes games better is playing with like minded people, who aren't a bunch of c*cks about it if you make a small mistake or mess up.
I'm all about all camaraderie and nothing gets your blood pumping like an all out assault with people who you know will happily die with you and not run off screaming!


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Hi Tethias,

Welcome to BRTD! We will be adding you to the outfit on a 2 week trial basis (standard procedure for new recruits). Please download mumble (our version of Teamspeak) and use the "Mumble Login" link at the top of the website or alternatively use the server details listed here: http://www.brtd.net/forum-s/2-Public-Forum/1413-new-mumble-voice-server?limitstart=0

Please try to start using mumble within the next week or so (it's very important for coordination). If you have any trouble please consult the FAQ section: www.brtd.net/faq-guides or ask an officer who will be happy to assist you (you will need an officer to authenticate you on the mumble server when you first log in).

You may also find useful outfit related information in the combined information thread: http://www.brtd.net/forum-s/2-Public-Forum/1355-combined-information-thread#1652

Please also introduce yourself to the rest of the outfit by making a post here: http://www.brtd.net/forum-s/search?q=hello%20and%20welcome&titleonly=1&childforums=1

The outfit training officers have a thread set up, so if you require training in any particular gameplay aspect drop them a message at http://www.brtd.net/forum-s/training-tactics-guides-suggestions/1476-new-members-training#2303

The outfit plays on the EU1 server; our squads are often open and listed (though ask on mumble for an invite if they are not). The outfit feature in game is currently bugged so until it is fixed we will not be using it and will be relying purely on mumble and ingame squads.

We are currently developing our combined arms approach so there is the potential to branch out into more air or ground vehicle related roles should you want to, but as it stands infantry still form the majority of the skill base in our outfit.

Catch you soon mate,



Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Sorry about that mate, people get so into the game that they often don't watch mumble as much. You need to ask an officer when you're next on (officers are those with titles next to their names on mumble) either via sending them a message on mumble or /telling them in game. Most officers will be able to drag you into the squad channel but one of the outfit leaders will need to assign you mumble privileges eventually so you can channel surf by yourself.
