After many succesfull conquers and especially the one of Elli Amp just a couple of minutes ago i decided to apply to your Outfit =)
Name: Marc Durst
Age: 23
Location: Germany
In-Game name:
Previous Planetside experience:
since alpha of PS2 sadly no PS1 exp
Outfit history (if applicable):
none .. played lone wolf style
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
CS 1.6 and CSS competetive (esl etc) Dota 1+2, TF2 ,Tribes 2, Tribes Ascend. CoD, BF (all of them), Arma 2 (PR, ACE) and pretty mutch every MMO since UO
Do you have a mic?
of course
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
Longtime Onlinegaming experience, a calm personality that can give it all if needed. basically unlimited online time. experience in teamplay on greater scales
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
to be honest there arent many outfits ive heard of that are as organized as you guys (could be that that would change if sony would let me access the forums..) but mostly the teamplay i saw ingame
What do you want from BRTD:
Well Teamplay, thats what PS2 is about right? playing the lone wolf is not that fun.. well it is for a while but it gets boring really soon and i really love PS2. i would love to experience great battles not just from the "random guy" perspective
What is your prefered play style:
Infantry mostly HA and INF.. but will specc whatever is needed also i want to get more into armored combat but im lacking alot of upgrades so thats something i will tackle later down the line
Anything else you'd like to add:
Im a very social person that loves to play games since i got my hands on my old NES i play way too mutch at the moment what is mostly because of personal things that hinder me from doing basically anything else.. so yay i guess
well what is there to add .. i have a dark sense of humor, love music of nearly all kinds and i would love to get to roll with you guys!
Greetings from the way to snowy germany.
After many succesfull conquers and especially the one of Elli Amp just a couple of minutes ago i decided to apply to your Outfit =)
Name: Marc Durst
Age: 23
Location: Germany
In-Game name:
Previous Planetside experience:
since alpha of PS2 sadly no PS1 exp
Outfit history (if applicable):
none .. played lone wolf style
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
CS 1.6 and CSS competetive (esl etc) Dota 1+2, TF2 ,Tribes 2, Tribes Ascend. CoD, BF (all of them), Arma 2 (PR, ACE) and pretty mutch every MMO since UO
Do you have a mic?
of course
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
Longtime Onlinegaming experience, a calm personality that can give it all if needed. basically unlimited online time. experience in teamplay on greater scales
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit:
to be honest there arent many outfits ive heard of that are as organized as you guys (could be that that would change if sony would let me access the forums..) but mostly the teamplay i saw ingame
What do you want from BRTD:
Well Teamplay, thats what PS2 is about right? playing the lone wolf is not that fun.. well it is for a while but it gets boring really soon and i really love PS2. i would love to experience great battles not just from the "random guy" perspective
What is your prefered play style:
Infantry mostly HA and INF.. but will specc whatever is needed also i want to get more into armored combat but im lacking alot of upgrades so thats something i will tackle later down the line
Anything else you'd like to add:
Im a very social person that loves to play games since i got my hands on my old NES i play way too mutch at the moment what is mostly because of personal things that hinder me from doing basically anything else.. so yay i guess
Greetings from the way to snowy germany.