
New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Name: Chris

In-Game name: Vago


Location: UK

Previous Planetside experience: I played Planetside 1 many moons ago, missed out on the giant robot thingys though.

Outfit history (if applicable): I was with you guys back in PS1, most fun I've had in an MMO too :D

Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Well I started out in a pretty successful DOD clan (-=T2s=-) and that got me hooked, since then I have played pretty much every major mmo and a lot of online fps. SWG is probably the MMO I spent the most time with. I've been gaming since I was 16 so got a good 11 years of experience at it :)

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What you hope to bring to BRTD: I like to think I am alright at shooting people in the face and various other body parts. I am pretty nifty and crashing Mosquitos into cliffs and bridges and buildings...... and the floor.

What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? I played with you guys back in PS1 and I have some epic memories of huge squadrons of Galaxies dropping infantry on bases and huge tank convoys rolling death over the continents and I want more of that magic :)

What is your preferred play style: Infantry

Anything else you'd like to add: I saw a magic tractor yesterday, it went down the road and turned into a field!


You, Me, Closet, 7Min, Heaven, Now..
Oct 7, 2014
Washington, USA
Hi Vago, Welcome back to BRTD!!

Consider yourself on a 2 week trial basis which is SOP for all new recruits. Go ahead and download Mumble, and use the "Mumble Login" link at the top of the webpage, or alternatively use the server details listed here: www.brtd.net/mumble

Go ahead andt use Mumble ASAP so we can set your permissions properly. If you have any trouble please consult the FAQ section: www.brtd.net/faq-guides or ask an officer who will be happy to assist you (you will need an officer to authenticate you on the mumble server when you first log in).

You may also find useful outfit related information in the combined information thread: Combined info thread

Ho ahead and introduce yourself to the rest of the outfit by making a post here: Introduce Yourself!!

Check out our Training & Tactical Guides/Suggestions forum to get the low-down on how BRTD operates in-game: http://www.brtd.net/forum/training-tactics-guides-suggestions

Our outfit plays on the Eurydome server; our squads are often open and listed (though ask on mumble for an invite if they are not). The outfit feature in game is currently bugged so until it is fixed we will not be using it and will be relying purely on mumble and ingame squads.

BRTD is currently developing our combined arms approach so there is the potential to branch out into more air or ground vehicle related roles should you want to, but as it stands infantry still form the majority of the skill base in our outfit.

We request that all the outfit members like us on facebook and/or twitter as this really helps with the community aspect. Links to both of these pages can be found on the left hand side of the main website (www.brtd.net).

Make sure when talking on voice comms, use your in-game name instead of "i". (e.g. : "Boostoff needs repairs." or "Can Boostoff get a squad invite.")
