I want to start with the fact i know the recruitment is closed atm, but i figured i'll still apply for future reference if it opens up!
Name: Lars-Erik Carlsson
In-Game name: Yoda
Age: 27, soon 28
Location: Sweden
Previous Planetside experience: Planetside 2 beta sence Tech test on EU1
Outfit history (if applicable):
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Star wars galaxies, WoW, Rift, SwTOR, and many more.
Guildleader and player in guild leadership roles in a small gamer community that started in SWG and branched out when it was closed. Often play healer roles and often lead groups in the games i play
Do you have a mic? yes/no: yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Squad dynamics, beeing able to adapt to the situation. To change class/load out based on the situation at hands. I am a good squad leader when asked to lead, and i'm a good follower when a soldier in the squad, and i am veary loyal to orders that are given (witch is from my arctic ranger background in the swe army).
I also want to bring to BRTD a vry able and skilled galaxy pilot, witch is the gamestyle/role i like the most!
What is your prefered play style: Galaxy drops and Infantry. I've also played alot of prowler and think it's fun but galaxy related plays are still the most fun!
Anything else you'd like to add:
Mainly i'm a galaxy pilot and have been sence first day on tech test, and many ppl i still play with started to join me due to my flying. I also play the Prowler alot, and I can play any infantry role, engineer beeing the most used class for me so far(due to selfe repairs on galaxy's and sutch)
I started a small outfit on EU1, and even tho i'm good at leading, i can't devote that mutch time as a true leader should. with my IRL army traning i am good with calling out tactics and leading squads, or following a leader and obeying his orders to the letter.
But i also have a child on it's way.
I will always play but i can't guarantee the usual hours at the computer, even tho the minimum of 2 hours per week i saw on thees forums won't be a problem.
also i filmed about 1h of a day in the PS2 beta and it's up on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yflQh8O5K2U&feature=g-upl

I get tiered of w8ing to fill up the Gal and finaly get going at 3:00
just some random fotage, i didn't know thees ppl before, i joined a open squad, but it turned out to a gr8 fun day!
btw i was not the leader in this, i was just the galaxy pilot
I've also had plenty of hours in the galaxy sence this day so i've gotten better at it
I want to start with the fact i know the recruitment is closed atm, but i figured i'll still apply for future reference if it opens up!
Name: Lars-Erik Carlsson
In-Game name: Yoda
Age: 27, soon 28
Location: Sweden
Previous Planetside experience: Planetside 2 beta sence Tech test on EU1
Outfit history (if applicable):
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: Star wars galaxies, WoW, Rift, SwTOR, and many more.
Guildleader and player in guild leadership roles in a small gamer community that started in SWG and branched out when it was closed. Often play healer roles and often lead groups in the games i play
Do you have a mic? yes/no: yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: Squad dynamics, beeing able to adapt to the situation. To change class/load out based on the situation at hands. I am a good squad leader when asked to lead, and i'm a good follower when a soldier in the squad, and i am veary loyal to orders that are given (witch is from my arctic ranger background in the swe army).
I also want to bring to BRTD a vry able and skilled galaxy pilot, witch is the gamestyle/role i like the most!
What is your prefered play style: Galaxy drops and Infantry. I've also played alot of prowler and think it's fun but galaxy related plays are still the most fun!
Anything else you'd like to add:
Mainly i'm a galaxy pilot and have been sence first day on tech test, and many ppl i still play with started to join me due to my flying. I also play the Prowler alot, and I can play any infantry role, engineer beeing the most used class for me so far(due to selfe repairs on galaxy's and sutch)
I started a small outfit on EU1, and even tho i'm good at leading, i can't devote that mutch time as a true leader should. with my IRL army traning i am good with calling out tactics and leading squads, or following a leader and obeying his orders to the letter.
But i also have a child on it's way.
I will always play but i can't guarantee the usual hours at the computer, even tho the minimum of 2 hours per week i saw on thees forums won't be a problem.
also i filmed about 1h of a day in the PS2 beta and it's up on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yflQh8O5K2U&feature=g-upl
I get tiered of w8ing to fill up the Gal and finaly get going at 3:00
just some random fotage, i didn't know thees ppl before, i joined a open squad, but it turned out to a gr8 fun day!
btw i was not the leader in this, i was just the galaxy pilot
I've also had plenty of hours in the galaxy sence this day so i've gotten better at it