This forum post is to let y'all know that I'm (bpostal) gonna be taking some time away from PS2 for a couple of reasons. The main short term reason being my schoolin. If I don't get booksmart then it's back to the street corners and I just don't know if my ol' knees can take it anymore.
The long term reason is my growing dissatisfaction with the direction this game(and it's kowtowing to this shit console/Halo/CoD community, who are hellbent of fucking us all out of a decent game) has gone. I've been waiting for Planetside 2 and it's my personal belief that someday I'll get that game. Maybe, Hopefully...and thus, I'll be taking a bit of a few month sabbatical type deal. I'll still pop on mumble and kill some stupid smurfs and barney bastards but it probably won't be more than an hour or two a week.
I won't bother sayin good bye because I'm not planning on leaving, but It should be noted that I won't be 'active' in the outfit.
Good luck, God bless and Fuck the god damn dirty stupid fucking NC goat raping dog humping jackasses in their stupid fucking faces.
The long term reason is my growing dissatisfaction with the direction this game(and it's kowtowing to this shit console/Halo/CoD community, who are hellbent of fucking us all out of a decent game) has gone. I've been waiting for Planetside 2 and it's my personal belief that someday I'll get that game. Maybe, Hopefully...and thus, I'll be taking a bit of a few month sabbatical type deal. I'll still pop on mumble and kill some stupid smurfs and barney bastards but it probably won't be more than an hour or two a week.
I won't bother sayin good bye because I'm not planning on leaving, but It should be noted that I won't be 'active' in the outfit.
Good luck, God bless and Fuck the god damn dirty stupid fucking NC goat raping dog humping jackasses in their stupid fucking faces.