Planetside 2 General Recruitment Application from DieRoteAngst


New Member
BRTD Member
Jun 22, 2022
Username: DieRoteAngst

Click yes to indicate that you have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead

Which game(s) are you the most interested in? Planetside

If relevant, what is your characters level / battlerank?
40 on Steam, Max on the old Sony account

If you have a Planetside character, please post a link to your character from:
Click here!/5429269171589816705

Why do you want to join BRTD
Short Answer: To have fun!
I want to join BRTD because i want to be part of a bigger community which brings many benefits in terms of gameplay. A good community always has the potential to be a great enviorment.
Since im a very competitive person in games and real life i want to engage in a competitve way and BRTD is in my opinion a good place for this. It allows for communication/ mates / friends and fun.

I played PS2 a lot in 2013-2014 and 2016-2017 and now coming back to the game and looking for a nice outfit.

How did you hear about BRTD? Other…

What is your primary character name? (must match forum name)

What is your discord name? (must match, can be changed later) DieRoteAngst#5541

Region, Timezone CET - Central Europe time (UTC +1)

Anything else you would like to add? As stated above i played PS2 A LOT in 2013-2014 and 2016-2017 and sometimes here and there. I always loved that game and flew mostly A2G ESF because my friend group wasn't into PS2 so i often played alone or joined random outfits.
Me and my wife (she became a gamer lol) where looking for games to play besides Tarkov and WoW and just started PS2 again since the playerbase is still active and the game is fun.

The account im now playing on is my steam account because back in the past the game was owned by Sony or something and i just made a steam planetside account because my sony account was sadly lost (when it changed from Sony to Daybreak). Maybe it's still recoverable but i only played vanu back then and didn't have much skins or cosmetics so i started fresh together with my wife.

I mostly fly (ESF/ Valk) and on ground adapt to what is needed most.


About me:
Im Aaron 27 from Germany and play video games for a long time. I work as an Audioproducer.
I played a lot of games and im a very competitive person but always chilled, always willing to learn. I played WoW since i was a kid and was very high ranked there and lead a lot of guilds.
I usually play shooters or MMO's but also was the leader of the most succesfull sim racing team in Assetto Corsa so i know how it is to lead and manage big communties and all the struggle that comes with so many people (Im drama free haha).
Im happy to be back at Planetside.

I speak fluent english and have no problems with voice chat or anything similar. I can be shy in the beginning but im a social chill person.
As said im always learning and trying to become better so im very open for critique because you learn from mistakes-> that's what makes you good at something which leads to a lot of fun :)

Approved by: DubMasterX37


Officer Planetside
Apr 3, 2020
Welcome to BRTD @DieRoteAngst
You have been accepted on a 4-5 week trial basis which is a standard procedure for all new recruits. The officers should carry out promotions quarterly. If you aspire to advance beyond this rank we expect you to take initiative and be generally helpful, discuss with your officer what this entails.

Our community is represented in many games, among others are;

Planetside - as BRTD - officers in charge; TheBinarySurfer, Aggropatics, Haresus, FrozenBones and DubMasterX37
Star Citizen - as BRTD and Silverwolf - officers in charge; Purestorm, Enjie, DeltaWidow
New World - as BRTD - Officers in charge: Enjie, Grimlb, Hendy
Foxhole - as BRTD - Officers in charge: DeltaWidow

Please Read this information.
It is required that you download Discord which we use for voice communication. For information on how to connect to our Discord server click here. Remember to associate your forum account with discord by clicking here. If you do not complete this step you will not automatically get the appropriate rank and rights on discord.

After joining discord, please visit the "Get Roles - Rules - Info" section and then the "Get-roles" channel and select which games you want to receive @ notifications for. Please notice the " ? info- " channels, they contain useful guides, info and our weekly itinerary.
Feel free to also join us on our social networking sites:
If you have any trouble please consult the support section here or message an officer using this contact form.
We hope you enjoy your time with us!

