Username: k1ngxiao
Click yes to indicate that you have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead
Which game(s) are you the most interested in? Planetside
If relevant, what is your characters level / battlerank?
BR 81
If you have a Planetside character, please post a link to your character from:
Click here!/5429010062863019601
Why do you want to join BRTD
Heard you guys are pretty good gamers, I came from R18M
wanted to come play with you lot.
How did you hear about BRTD? In-Game
What is your primary character name? (must match forum name)
What is your discord name? (must match, can be changed later) Jack_#0827
Region, Timezone GMT - Greenwhich Mean time (UTC 0)
Anything else you would like to add? Im okay at game
Approved by: DubMasterX37
Click yes to indicate that you have read and agree to the Rules of Better Red Than Dead
Which game(s) are you the most interested in? Planetside
If relevant, what is your characters level / battlerank?
BR 81
If you have a Planetside character, please post a link to your character from:
Click here!/5429010062863019601
Why do you want to join BRTD
Heard you guys are pretty good gamers, I came from R18M
How did you hear about BRTD? In-Game
What is your primary character name? (must match forum name)
What is your discord name? (must match, can be changed later) Jack_#0827
Region, Timezone GMT - Greenwhich Mean time (UTC 0)
Anything else you would like to add? Im okay at game
Approved by: DubMasterX37