Earning auraxium, is the way it works now set in stone or do you have some tweaks up your sleeve? As of now, earning auraxium is mostly just about spending time in the game, and as you probably have seen for yourself, the warpgates looks kinda like swedish trainstations in the winter, all filled up with people that are gonna stay there for a while..
Are you planning to do something about all this leeching? (Give us your best solutions and we'll try to find loopholes in em!)
Any thoughts about earning auraxium from kills/other kind of activity?
If i remember it correctly (havent played ps1 for many years), in ps1 you got different amounts of XP when capping a base, depending of the size/length(?) of the battle. Any thoughts about implementing that formula in PS2, but with auraxium? People fighting for 2 hours to get a base, and finally capping it, would get a pile of auraxium to make the long fight feel worth it, and that reward would feel just awesome
Currently you do earn resources (based on region) for any activity that grants score (getting kills, destroying vehicles, reviving allies, etc) but only when a capture event is in progress. We're changing that so it's all the time not just when the region is being captured.
We do have plans to allow for some offline resource gain which I can't go into too much detail on it since that's still getting locked down. We will also be implementing some kind of idle timeout to prevent people from leeching resources, although that sort of exploit isn't really at the top of our priority list at the moment.
So about groups, platoons, outfits and all that.
Instead of looking at new solo players stuck wandering around and just leaving them, I'd rather the game went ahead and tried to make it as easy as possible to form up into groups or platoons. Some guys would rather just be pointed in a direction were there's combat by a group and be told to go capture.
That's were something like a simple platoon giving these guys orders would be handy. Gathering up the herd instead of waiting for the herd to come to him. Maybe, and this is just off the top of my head, but maybe SOE could set up a handful of "default outfits" that anyone can join up to?
It'd be interesting to see how well these new random players would start to work together and form up a leadership. It would take longer than a normal outfit but it could work.
And yeah, after they're comfortable with the game they'll start to become more involved in the tactics and communication side.
I'm just thinking of how daunting it is to join a game this big and this complicated. If this game is to survive with a healthy population for the coming months/years, which has to be much, much higher than your typical game, then it has to be welcoming to new players and helping them form into groups and so on.
Plus, right now anyway, if I join a random group, its only 1 other person along with myself in that group. This has been happening since the last major update.
Just my 2 cents
Planetside 2 is all about teamplay, and making teamplay effortless and rewarding is one of our biggest goals between now and ship. We've got a few things working here to address this.
1 - VOIP helps a lot, proximal voip makes it easier to find groups (and allows for singalongs!)
2 - Missions. We have a mission system that is still in progress that should be a global coordination tool. You, as a commander can place a request for different things, air support, transport, engineers, attack, defend, etc. These thing show up almost like minimap pings in a RTS / MOBA for players who are opted in to see that type of content. If you're flying around in a reaver and you have "air support" checked as a mission you're interested in, you'll see waypoints popping up for areas where other players have requested air support. This level of global coordination should help a lot get newer players to the types of things they want to do easily
3 - Better onramps to multiplayer gameplay. We need outfit browsing / recruitment in game, squad browsing, etc. Tools that help you find a group of players to go experience the teamplay with.
Between those three things we think we'll have a pretty good handle on putting people into teams and teamplay situations.
Territory changes hands far too fast for me to feel that I make any difference. Is this going to be fixed by more bodies in the server able to fight, longer lockout/cap times, different capture mechanics?
My ideal scenario is that the map shouldn't be completely different over two hours of play. I have no problem if my actions don't persist over a full night. That's totally expected.
Most of this is in the hands of the players right now and that's how we want it. I've seen fights over one region go back and forth for hours. I don't feel like "lock out timers" are the solution, they're a hamfisted mechanic that basically disables your ability to have fun in an area for a certain amount of time. Having the adjacency requirements in game makes it a bit more predictable where people will attack and you'll have to defend, which should keep fights moving in a less random way - but in terms of putting mechanisms in place to lock bases down I'm not a fan, players should be what holds territory, not timers.
We are making some changes to facilities which make them more defensible and which should make fights over them be more sustainable. This will ideally slow the overall progression through territory, but an overwhelming offensive force is still going to be able to make some quick and decisive gains. That's how it should be IMO.
What's up with all the Anti-Air being extremely expensive? Right now there is really no counterplay until you've grinded a few thousand Auraxium.
Edit: I should clarify: This question is not about the strength of Anti-Air, it is about availability. Strength may be a valid concern, but this question is not about i. Right now, new players and even longer ones that can't/won't Auraxium farm do not have Anti-Air. With the only exception of a fighter every 15 minutes with a ****** cannon.
This is frustrating for such players and counter productive to a beta test. We can't give feedback on weapons that we don't have and even the feedback that you do get is based on a false premise, namely that only few have those weapons. But a few months later everybody will have some form of Anti-Air.
There are a couple issues going on here -
1 - not every weapon is in the game right now, there will be additional anti-air weapons coming in before the beta is finished.
2 - pricing is first pass for most things right now, we've got to do some pretty substantial balancing once all our rewards solidified.
Turning inverse on for flying should not affect turrets. Every time I switch between them I need to go into the settings and flip it.
Yeah, we've got this fix on our radar. We'll either be making Invert Vertical Look be authoritative for turrets (instead of invert vertical fly) or just making a third option for turrets.
Edit: Just got word that this is fixed, turret control now adheres to vertical look rather than vertical fly. Rejoice!