[quote="Raiche" post=15005]Im always up for more training.
Basic question first though, id love to hear your thoughts on mossie loadout and manouvers.
Personally i got the banshee and rockets with hover for pure anti inf duty, running flares/stealth on all loadouts
And a general build with the rotary / rockets as well as a A2A build.
Mossie i used to do low flying humping the ground go in fast unload pods and be off using dogfighting chassis for control.
Some argue that racer is better with mossie, others only go hover. Reverse thrust is harder to pull off i find without hover, takes too long to stop and get thrusters turned.
For libs, is Zephyr always the way to go still with high-G chassis?[/quote]
Personally I'm not a fan of the Banshee/Rockets loadout, I believe it limits you too much, since you are removing all of your dogfighting capabilities. Meaning that your life in the air is timed until the point where an enemy esf decides to engage on you. You got no defense against him, and you are relaying to much on allies to help you out, or your own skills to disengage the enemy and get away safely.
Comparing all of these drawbacks to the benefits you get from the banshee against infantry I don't believe it's worth it. Sure you can kill an infantry with 10 bullets, but it only takes a half clip from the rotary to do the same.
In short is the ability to kill infantry with 20 less bullets worth making you completely vulnerable to any enemy air?
I would stick with the common rotary/rockets for A2G, you can kill infantry with the rotary pretty easliy, it just takes a bit of practice and you can beat enemy air if they get too cocky and starts shooting at you.
Having both flares and stealth is a bit too overkill atm against guided rockets. Had this been 2 months ago when the annihilator was on it strongest and A2A rockets on esf also were pretty common I would consider running with that loadout. These days I would stick with Flares/Armor especially if you are flying an A2G mossy, because you need protection against flak. With all of the rangers, bursters and skyguard wanting a piece of you, the armor is a must have to stay alive.
Also having upgraded the armor to rank 3 or 4 (can't remember the excat rank atm), you'll be able to win a 1v1 fight against a burster max with your rockets.
When it comes to the performance frames I still firmly believe that the dogfighting frame is the best option for the mossy.
In my opinion you need the agility from the dogfighting frame, since the mossy is already the fastest stock esf with a stock speed cursing speed at 220. Therefor you don't really need the racer frame, it can be useful no doubt about it, being able to after burn away from guided rockets while your flares are on cooldown or try to disengage and enemy esf, the racing frame can be really good. But the matter is that you only get 20 more Kph from a 3/3 racer frame,
Going from a mossy speed level at 220 cursing speed, 245 tilted speed (Angling the nose down, around 10 degrees while holding the ascend key) and 320 afterburner speed (220/245/320), to (240/265/340).
The 20 more kph can be really useful in situations and is a decent alternative to the dogfighting frame. no doubt about it. But it's only has some very limited uses, beyond that it is only helpful at getting you from point a to point b faster.
The Hover frame I don't believe is a good option on the mossy, it's more suited for the scythe or the reaver.
The scythe since it out of stock is more agile than a mossy with 3v3 dogfighting. For the reaver, since even with the dogfighting frame it still handles like a brick in the sky and it helps making the backing turns easier than the dogfighting frame.
For the mossy the hover is not something I'll recommend. People have stated that it helps them hover in the air while they are shooting rockets, and helps with the power reverse move, but in my opinion. Hovering in the air makes you insanely vulnerable to be shot out of the air in less than 2 seconds, by an enemy esf/lib, or even a the stock rpg for the heavies. Hovering over a base shooting with rockets, just gets you killed too fast. I tend to use the same maneuver as you and do bombing runs from a distance, since it allows you to get in and out faster and reduces the risk of being shot down by the 3 or 4 burster maxes that are going to be in the base.
I also meet a lot of pilots who are using the hover frame, solely so they are able to pull off the power reverse more easily. The problems with these pilots are that they turn into 1 trick ponies very fast. They rely on this trick to win all of their engagements for them, since it by default is a very powerful move.
But if you learn how to counter it, then their esf becomes useless since they'll only be able to use the power reverse and the banking turn. Two moves which can be countered pretty easily.
The A2A loadout is a matter of taste in my opinion. Both the A2A missiles and rocket pods work well in the air. The rocket pods got a higher dps against libs and galaxies if you can manage to hit with most of the clip.
While the A2A missiles are better against esf doing barrel rolls or other soft maneuvers 100-150 meters in front of you. They are also good at sniping out libs and galaxies from a far. They make it a lot safer to engage alone against a 5/12 gal or a 2/3 lib.
Then again these advices are my own personal feelings about the mossy. You can take it for what it is.