I'm leaving.





march 1st - 14th

(this friday)

So if anyone wonders where the zergherder has gone ill be skiing in esamir... i mean stubai!!!

Don't miss me too much. Ill try to get forumside depending on situation.

excited :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
[quote="Tasty" post=13129]YES! LETS MAKE A MESS OF THE OUTFIT WHILE HE IS GONE![/quote]

Stop peeing on the rug! I made that myself out of all the spandex I've collected!


Active Member
Nov 25, 2012
[quote="Dotz0r" post=13124]FOR TWO WEEKS SKIING IN AUSTRIA!


march 1st - 14th

(this friday)

So if anyone wonders where the zergherder has gone ill be skiing in esamir... i mean stubai!!!

Don't miss me too much. Ill try to get forumside depending on situation.

excited :)[/quote]

Mate i friggin' shat my pants when i saw the title and who posted it! You lucky fucker btw! I've been snowboarding in Austria a few years ago in Saalbach-Hinterglemm...It's FUCKING STUNNING dude...So gorgeous!

Do you ride a lot? I've got 188cm K2 Silencers, Marker 10 Squire bindings and Solomon Impact CS6 Boots in my skiing arsenal and a 159cm K2 Anagram Wide, K2 Indy Bindings and K2 Raider BOA-Coiler Boots for as my boarding weapons...Used to love riding powder and trying my hand at freestyle.

I hope you can find some nice lines man, and I hope you get some fresh pow before you get there! And wear a fucking helmet...I'm a mat-rat born and bred so i never rode without a helmet, but everyone regardless of their level should have one on!

PS - Austrian bars stay open until the last person leaves ;)...They WILL get you fucking hammered if they want to go home and you're still boozing haha


Staff member
Community Leader
Feb 14, 2012
Have fun Dotz0r!!! See you when you get back.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
Enjoy man, try not to sky into a tree like I did last time I went skying lol



[quote="Sharpe" post=13190]Enjoy man, try not to sky into a tree like I did last time I went skying lol

That's what you get for skiing on the left side of the road. Stupid Brits!


Having only just started packing at lastminute.com at 01:00am GMT i now realize i am only days away from doing something i have always wanted to do. However, having done a military driving "conversion" which will allow me to drive UK-mil owned minibuses (civilian) i have to do a European theory test. Apparently, what is "bumps in road" in the UK is completely different in central Europe. (well at least in the test) - apparently its "sleeping policeman" - dafuq. (prob test error)

Some crazy ass road-signs.

Anyways, really looking forward to it.

Two week off work? - paid leave? - why the hell not! Having shelled out £300 for the trip and another £400 on euros/gear its a good job i got payed yesterday.

@atlas, never skied before so what you are talking about makes no sense to me :p The only part which did was that Austrian bars stay open. And for a group of soldiers currently on "millionaires weekend" due to just being payed - stubai is going to get messy for the next few days.

But seriously, monopoly money which is the EURO - £178.99 for 200EURO, feel abit robbed. :(


Active Member
Nov 25, 2012
[quote="Dotz0r" post=13208]@atlas, never skied before so what you are talking about makes no sense to me :p The only part which did was that Austrian bars stay open. And for a group of soldiers currently on "millionaires weekend" due to just being payed - stubai is going to get messy for the next few days.[/quote]

Lol, fair enough man. When i was there, we arsed a load of cheap beer called STIEGL, it was in a sort of creamy-white and red can...And it was fantastic. :) Definately kept us going.


Also, you need to try some Stroh 80 :D. Its an 80% spiced Austrian rum :)...It's uh, got a bit of a kick to it :D.



Active Member
Nov 23, 2012
Donr knock Stiegl. Its helluva beer. I remember when we had game in Korneuburg at +40 and those beers were cold and wet mmmmmmmm


Active Member
Nov 25, 2012
Haha, i'm absolutely not knocking it :). We bought a crate of the cans because they were cheap and wanted to try them out...We went back for 6 crates the day after :D...Which was a great and terrible idea...Our accom. was about 200m up quite a steep hill and we only had 3 us carrying them :(


Just a quicker update.

Having a blast atn the atmosphere here is crazy at stubaier gletchier here is literally thousands if people hundreds of people wherver height u go to. Did not exactly pick it up straight away but its getting there now its really tireing more si then I first thought it would be and not to mention walking in skii boots lol

Third day into it and thoroughly enjoying it however some people are very arrogant and rude to anyone below thm but there are a few good eggs amongst them.

It seems that peoples english is alot better then my german and even little old ladies sound menacing listening to them speak german... andyes I did the usual brit tourist thing and spoke in english but slower lol.....

It seems that at stubair once it starts to close its party time.... I recall the first say finishing and heading down toground level walking down the carpark to see the on site bar with a tent/outside bar with a sea of people just bouncing up and down...went down there and did not leave till like 7 and we started at 3pm now it seems its a daily occurance.... lots if drunken people who probably dont even know the songs / people singing in their own language'


eyyy heliKOPTAR!!!

Nice to see difFernt versions honey Us Brits had heard it So it kinda went' from eyy helikoptr to hey helicopterdick with you know what which nearly turned It into a naked bar...

however On the downside I Will be back earlier then previously stated probably about the 10th


[quote="AtlasLazzurs" post=13237]Haha, i'm absolutely not knocking it :). We bought a crate of the cans because they were cheap and wanted to try them out...We went back for 6 crates the day after :D...Which was a great and terrible idea...Our accom. was about 200m up quite a steep hill and we only had 3 us carrying them :([/quote]

I am back now, after a 23 hour trip from Austria to the UK, after a week (which should have been two) i have learn't alot and having finally gone down a red route "to try it" as my very last slope of the week i finally realize that once you get off blue, things kinda gradually get more and more suicidal. Did not realize at how tireing skiing can be and having gone like 3,000m down hill i was in bits at the end. There is a black / diamond route from the very very top (would take about less then an hour to gondola / chair lift up) to the very bottom and said route goes along it with my route being one of many "chicken" runs, and i must say - once you go down black there is no going back and having took a wrong turn for about 300m it was the worst 300m of my life, and we are talking cliff edges here... finally found my way back onto the blue/red route via a chicken run and straight over an edge, only just managed to grip into the hill and S-down it, and some people were just bombing it down with no care in the world... amount of people falling over... skiis flying, poles rolling...bodies flaying it was like a scene from a james bond movie except that as soon as i hit the teeny-weeniest of bumps across a slope my legs went, i un-naturally leaned back and that was me... going down hill while looking like i was taking a shit and flaying my arms in-mid fall / get back up - hit another bump and i just became superman for the next god knows how many hundreds of meters. Finally got my life together, got back on the skiis, went down another 200-300m drop and sailed into the mid-way station (2300m above sea level) looked down hill towards the bottom, saw the route - fucked it off, went to the bar at mid way and got a beer and then took the gondola down which took 10 minutes. (The rest of the way includes cliff-edges / turns on a wall of snow over cliff edges, traverses, jumps over drops , jumps and a general cluster fuck of suicidal people)

All in all a really good trip, although i will never get out of my head the following songs :

ich bien solo and eeeeey helikoptar!!

and people shouting LOS GEHTS! and everyone saying "ahlooooo"

And stigel, +100000000000000000000000, good recommendation it fueled many a drunken adventures, especially into innsbruck and the likes. Really cheap but really helpful on the road to shit-faced. And i feel your pain regarding hills in Austria in reference to accom, some of them hills.... then again we had 2 4x4 and a mini bus and lets just say they were full of other "supplies" :woohoo: