Hello everyone,
I'm Kerether i'm 19 and i'm french ( so sorry for my english x) ) i anderstand very well english and i only have difficulties in writting so, again, sorry for this topic and don't take it seriously beceause my speaking and anderstanding are much better .
I'd like to joine your team to play in team and have good times with a good teamplay . I love to play in squads and go all together for the same goal with different kind of tactics.
I mostly play tanks and moskitos but i also play heavy assaut when needed .
I nearly have 200 hours in this game (i used to play as NC until i noticed they were crappy )
I am seriously looking forward to play with you and hope my french part won't be a problem
thank you for the time taken to have a look at my topic :cheer:
I'm Kerether i'm 19 and i'm french ( so sorry for my english x) ) i anderstand very well english and i only have difficulties in writting so, again, sorry for this topic and don't take it seriously beceause my speaking and anderstanding are much better .
I'd like to joine your team to play in team and have good times with a good teamplay . I love to play in squads and go all together for the same goal with different kind of tactics.
I mostly play tanks and moskitos but i also play heavy assaut when needed .
I nearly have 200 hours in this game (i used to play as NC until i noticed they were crappy )
I am seriously looking forward to play with you and hope my french part won't be a problem
thank you for the time taken to have a look at my topic :cheer: