Name: Layne
In-Game name: Layne66 (my forum name has a 54 because the register process got an error so now Layne66 is taken by nobody and I cannot access it now.)
Age: 18
Location: Florida USA
Previous Planetside experience: unfortunately, none, never heard of planetside until a couple weeks ago. Currently have 66 hours logged on planetside 2
Outfit history (if applicable):
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: WoW and.... I can't really recall every single one I've played, but I do have experience playing these types of games.
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: An extra soldier to help win the never ending fight.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? This one seems professional and friendly, and I like that.
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? Mainly infantry, I could do armor but I would need to invest certs into a better tank.
Anything else you'd like to add: I have experience doing organized events (WoW) so I know that voice chat is a necessity for a good team. Sadly, I'm not the biggest player of FPS's, but I've played enough of them to know what to do, and I'l do my best to fulfill any orders my leaders will give.
In-Game name: Layne66 (my forum name has a 54 because the register process got an error so now Layne66 is taken by nobody and I cannot access it now.)
Age: 18
Location: Florida USA
Previous Planetside experience: unfortunately, none, never heard of planetside until a couple weeks ago. Currently have 66 hours logged on planetside 2
Outfit history (if applicable):
Other (online) games you have played / achievements: WoW and.... I can't really recall every single one I've played, but I do have experience playing these types of games.
Do you have a mic? Yes/No: Yes
What you hope to bring to BRTD: An extra soldier to help win the never ending fight.
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit? This one seems professional and friendly, and I like that.
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft? Mainly infantry, I could do armor but I would need to invest certs into a better tank.
Anything else you'd like to add: I have experience doing organized events (WoW) so I know that voice chat is a necessity for a good team. Sadly, I'm not the biggest player of FPS's, but I've played enough of them to know what to do, and I'l do my best to fulfill any orders my leaders will give.