Mosquito Training Tuesday 9pm GMT



On tuesday 9pm GMT we will have Basic Mosquito training at 9pm GMT. The training will be hosted by Placid and fbh. They will go over Mosquito basics as well as any tips and tricks they have picked up along the way. If you are intrested in particiapting you can sign up below or just show up!

Tuesday 9pm GMT


Edit: Switched around some stuff in my schedule so I can make it.


Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
Our mosquito's will blot out the sun! will be there, can use the extra intel and practice.


New Member
Dec 3, 2012
I will either be there or at monday night madness depending on which day I get off. Would love to become a better pilot :)


Active Member
BRTD Member
Aug 31, 2014
10 CET . . . im in if you have space :), will this also be covering placement of certs?


Oct 3, 2012
count me in on this, got the basics down but finer things like dog fighting... tends to turn me into a ball of flames or a crater in the ground so i need some help there


[quote="Audiofly" post=7947]10 CET . . . im in if you have space :), will this also be covering placement of certs?[/quote]

I'll be letting Placid do majority of talking as my mic is getting really irritating lately. Some times its feedback other times its just too quiet. But to answer your question the idea was, least from my pov anyhow, to find out at what stage the various pilots are at.
I know there is some advanced pilots looking to see if they can learn a few pointers and such, as well as a few players that seem to be struggling with the whole twitchy flight feel as well. Idea is to cover from ground A to advanced B without boring anyone.

I was mostly looking at talks on the cert points, the various weapons systems, role usage, as well as ideas on "when to" and "when not to" do certain manoeuvres.
Just with the vast difference in skill levels looking to take part we will need to getting players to understand what it is that they are looking at in the first place.
Once the flight and controls is taken care of then will be getting the newer pilots to practise various tricks and manoeuvres, as well as low flying and reaction based controls. IE: Ammo towers rendering at last possible second.

Dog fighting and target acquisitions will be looked at once the pilots are comfortable where they stand with the controls and movements.
Advanced dog fighting tactics and ideas we've come to learn ourselves through battle will be towards the end of the session.
Couple of advanced manoeuvres like Air Reverse Maneuver trick will be shown and talked about its usage.
As well as the do's and don't's of dog fighting. Usage of pods vs A2A in various situations.

To finish it all off I'm thinking of either getting pilots to tail each other as they practise various manoeuvres whilst been watched by a few of us so we can talk to them about why something was too slow, or not quite accurate etc and then hopefully we can find some hostile targets to see if they can put stuff into practise straight away.

A lot of it will need practise to sink in anyhow as it can take a few hours in the air to really get to grips with various ideas and such but that is roughly what I had in mind :)


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
Will be there, i'm a totally rookie when it comes to flying an airplane, but wanna give it a try.


Well the night as good though didn't cover as much advanced stuff as I would have liked, but that was down to time spent talking and waiting around.
So what am going to do is that if anyone wants to try more advanced stuff, or just have someone follow them to see how they are see if there is any tips that can be given then just buzz me.

Every pilot has a different experience gained through combat and it's good to share the experience around. :)


I think I'll just stay grounded. The controls for a mossie seem far too sensitive and I cannot find s happy medium with no matter what setup I try to use. Last night once we entered combat I was all over the place. Plus I pulled 3 mossies in that hour simply because I flipped it accidentally on the ground twice. Gals and libs I get, not mossies.


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
It was fun, I managed to stay in the air for 15 mins lol. Then set out a waypoint, flew over there and landed, went back and so on, even managed to fly through a canyon without hitting any sidewalls :woohoo:
Think its alot of practice to get used to the controls when u never flew an airplane before like me.




Majority of time it's just time spent in the air that gets you used to it rather than anything taught.
Teaching the various bits is more for refinement, trying to see if there was something you overlooked, or if your keyed up already trying to get that knowledge grounded with new info.

It does take time. :silly:

When I first got access to PS2 beta I tried to hook up the xbox controller that I had used for flying in BF3 to find it was not supported yet. I then spent lot of time on the ground been taken out by pilots and thought bugger it I need to learn.
Spent the next few days just flying around getting used to various controls and sensitivity's before I even anywhere near combat.
When I unlocked rocket pods I didn't get chance to use them cause of a character wipe at the time and spent the next couple of weeks or so until full launch with a simple setup.

Yes, it was boring as well. Hours flying around with little combat, but it was also worth it. ;)

Everyone has a different way of flying and everyone is different. Same is said as everyone is still learning.
As for these youtube videos you see of pilots taking out infantry all the time that to me is not the reason you should fly.

If I see a sunderer I don't focus on the infantry around it and then fly off as some pilots do, I'll nail the sunderer first and infantry only if I start getting a lot of attention and they need taking down.
Any idiot can rocket pod infantry and claim high scores and huge k/ds.... just don't expect me to respect them for it.
It's a support aircraft end of day and I hate players who farm with it.

if your practising various tricks and such when not part of an BRTD Op then by all means feel free to practise a circular hover manoeuvre on infantry as practise makes perfect. But if during an Op there is a greater threat then I expect all BRTD pilots to realise that threat first.

A standard SOP that I follow when in the air is based on threats. The time flying into a hotzone is also critical as this is when you will decide on what is worth your urgent attention. Some are higher up that threat list than others.
It's a little guide I follow but that's me end of day. :)
Threat List (Or order in which to kill annoying smurfs before they ruin the Op)
[li]ESF's - Reavers / Scythes[/li]
[li]Liberators - highest threat is a 3/3 then a 2/3 and almost little point chasing a 1/3 most of time.[/li]
[li]Turrets - AA then AV[/li]
[li]Skyguards/Bursters - mobile AA - at present bursters are infantry rendered 300m = problematic[/li]
[li]MBT - Main battle tanks Vanguard / Fagrider[/li]
[li]Galaxy's - Number of occupants decides threat level. 1 is pointless, 12 is high pirority.[/li]
[li]Sunderers - mobile spawns[/li]
[li]Lightings -[/li]
[li]Infantry - Higher concentration in 1 area is worth a strafing run. Single targets I don't waste ammo usually.[/li]
The list will chop and change depending on what the Ops are assaulting. For example if it's a tower where the focus point is then I will focus primarily on AA/AV turrets before ESF's and Libs etc.
You can do more good by been in the air longer and making the right decisions on threats to focus on keeping yourself alive. Keep your aircraft alive and you can do more good to the ground units over time than simply smashing in and nuking 1 MBT before loosing the aircraft. :)

But end of day everyone is different. Though when I am airborne I'm there to support the Ops and if my efforts are better remembered for nuking down enemy aircraft and problematic threats than simply hitting infantry the Op will be more thankful.

I don't think anyone would be happy if a Mossie pilot focused on killing infantry around an Op rather than MBT's or sunderers tbfh. :)


Training was awesome, thanks a lot for setting it up and giving us noobs some pointers on how to improve.

During training, you mentioned and linked one or two Youtube videos on some of the maneuvers you showed. Would you mind posting them here?


No probs Mandor, I did also link them in the channels at the time too but will link those 2 here as well.

First up is the video that I learnt the Air Reverse manoeuvre from. That is the move that I showed before you all flew off to find some targets to squish.
Air Reverse Maneuver - by Ironfist

The video was done toward send of the beta though before the dog fighting air frame came in. Back then it was a vertical thrust perk more than an actual frame. The same rules apply and can be done with all 3 air frames currently on the Mossie, as well as been able to be done on a stock Mossie as well.
The move with a hover frame requires a bit of adoption though as we found last nite.
Think it was Lescian (correct me if am wrong there) that managed to start doing a similar manoeuvre but lot of time it did look a bit like he was going to fly into the ground tho.

The second video I was watching is: Ironfist - Reaver beginner vid
This is more of a beginner video from ground up. It is quite a good watch even if it is in the annoying blue Reaver rather than our trusty Red Mossie.
There are still things you can learn from both a pilot point of view but also a Reaver as a THREAT point of view. Knowing what the Reavers/Scythes can and can't do helps yourself in the air as well.

Rumour has it Ironfist is also planning on releasing another youtube video at some point where he is teaching a TR pilot how to manoeuvre in a Mossie. Including the reverse thrust above - he does it in a stock Mossie for those interested.
Soon as the video is up I will link it here.

If your wanting to watch this guy fly around his twitch stream is found here: Ironfist - Mattherson US server
I don't approve of his abuse of targeting infantry when there is a vehicle nearby, but his control in tricky conditions is 2nd to none. Worth watching this guy to see what kind of stuff can be done in the air.


Active Member
BRTD Member
Aug 31, 2014
Firstly, thank you fbh and Placid for taking the time and sharing some flight skills and basic cert knowledge with us. i found it a very intuitive lesson in how to fly these agile and twitchy little bleeders.

right, i had some questions during the evening but didnt ask due to time and the knowledge i could ask on here after. i missed the topic of the utility cert when it was covered.

Basically im wondering if decoy flares or radar.

Scout RADAR; i can see the scout radar being a great help to fellow squad mates on the ground at bases, due to it revealing the enemy to them, or have i got this wrong?

Decoy flares; i can see this being a great benefit agaisnt esf/ground launched rockets.

not sure what was said on the night as it turned to a discussion and i wasnt able to hear everybody clearly on mumble so i got kinda "white noise" effect during this stage :/ sorry.

im lookng forward to just flying around with my new moves you displayed. but hopefully in the future you wont mind being taken to one side for a bit of polish on what im doing :)

and i missed the "reverse skill bastard maneuver" display due to being squiched by ganrad's gal whilst you were on approach. all i got was a load of "oohhhh's and ahhhs. whilst i respawned :( so TY for the links fbh.


Every pilot has a different experience to the various toys on other with the Mossie and Libs.
If your ever unsure as to what you think would benefit YOU the most then best thing to do is fly a stock aircraft, only none-stock weapons, and see what deals the most damage to, or causes the most problems.

Air radar is useful as well in dog fights as it high lights threats in the air around you. Having a hostile craft spotted by the ground doesn't work well at all.

Flares are needed for the sheer amount of stuff that can lock onto you. If you struggle to shake off missiles that have locked on then flares would be more essential than radar.
Also to mention that at some point it's rumoured that Skyguards will be getting lock on missiles as well.

Should always outfit the aircraft to what you find to be your weakest area, or the most problematic. Don't be afraid to pull a stock Mossie and take note of heights, damage from, deaths from, damage to as well as number of times you got locked on and from what.
Then look at the list after say and hour or 2 and then look at the equipment again and tailor it to your playing style. :)
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New Member
Nov 2, 2012
Everyone knows how to flip the mossy if they manage to chrash it upside down, right?