My Trouble When Getting This Forum Account



Hey guys,
While I was registering for this account, I went through some trouble.

I was on the second step of registration where I had to enter my Gender, Birthday, Country etc. and when I clicked next to go the next step, I was greeted with this page.


I checked the email I used and I had gotten an email from which had my login info in it but said I had to continue the registration process in order to get my account activation link. I tried to continue the registration but I couldn't because whenever I re-entered my username on the first step, it said the account name was taken.

After trying out so many username combos and having the same error pop up, I noticed there was a resend activation link for the login. It sent me my activation link and MAGIC! I can now logon.

I was wondering why the website let me send an activation link even though I never completed the registration due to that error on the 2nd step. I'm hoping that it's not the website's fault and I'm doing something stupid :p or if there is something wrong, maybe you guys could fix it so that it doesn't happen to other people wanting to join the forums. On a side note, the only time I was able to get to the third step was when I entered random details in.

Anyways, thanks for reading my gigantic wall of text :D


I-Spy something beginning with B...

Juggernaut will sort this out.

Oh, and welcome. :D


Thanks for the welcome! I hope Juggernaut does figure this out :p


[quote="SankakuGames" post=11201]He's been a Sankaku Games subscriber for long time...

The Official Stalker :)[/quote]

Skype Contact, Steam Contact, Subscriber, Watches almost every uploaded video when it comes out, Speaks Mandarin to his wife and wakes up at absurd times in the morning just to watch livestreams. I think I earned the title :3