new ticket sent in on hackers


Outfit Leader and founder
Staff member
Community Leader
Jan 2, 2006
with there not being any follow on support from the last ticket i put in
when i was told that someone would be investigating the players i mentioned still they are all playing now there is one of a few ways to work this
1st either you make my account a moderator so i can ban these people as i am always playing during peak times when they are all online
2nd you actually have a moderator come online and see for yourselfs what they are doing
3rd take all the complaints that you get about these people because i know that it is not only myself that has appealed these players
and actually do something about it

if you need a list of the players that are hacking all you have to do is ask and i will supply again

because for a game that i pay for for the enjoyment of playing the game it is now getting as though players dont want to play because of all the hackers

and if something does not get done about it i will be wanting a full refund for all the payments that i have maid to this game for the money should be going towards monitoring of the playment within the game as we are all being robbed of our money for playing a game with so much unfair advantages .

now if you respond to this ticket at least act upon your response instead of just bull shitting your way out of it

thanks for nothing like usuall


Outfit Leader and founder
Staff member
Community Leader
Jan 2, 2006
not of yet apart from the we recieved your ticket
so i went on the soe forums and posted this

for virrago and brewko they where both online

i must say the appeal system is a total load of human deposit from the rear end

nothing is getting done about all the hackers in the game soe might as well just let everyone have all the hacks being used pre installed into there chars then at least there would be a equal advantage

rof, cof, radar, teleport, damage boost, no reload , infinate afterburner infinate surge

they where the hacks i saw playing tonight

very tempted t unsub myself after this week of hackers online

can someone at least tell on who actually needs to know about it to get something done tried all direction i know about even fb and twitter the devs etc but still nothing not even a reply it is as though soe dont even care about the people that are paying the money with subs for the development of ps2 try using some of the revenue created over the past years since 2003 on average £2k per person subbed and get something done about ps1 before you launch ps2 and insert your repoductive organ into our butts over again


lmao insert your reproductive organs in our butts hahahahaha!!!

Yep BigAl. I'm bent over how about you?

Love your appeal mate! Too bad it's only purpose of entertainment will be your sideway insult to the devs and not any actual action toward banning. Thanks tho was a good laugh!!


Outfit Leader and founder
Staff member
Community Leader
Jan 2, 2006
yes i had to edit 3 times for swear words

couldnt use



knob heads


anal rape

or butt fucked
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I think I found a picture of their complaint handling process:
