Please support my post on the beta forums


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Hi everyone,

I created a pretty extensive post about the unfortunate results of the NC camping Esamir for 2 days (largely that they will have earnt 35,000 auraxium each)

Please take a read, leave your comments etc :)

Much appreciated,


Active Member
BRTD Member
Aug 31, 2014
i replyed placid, not sure i agree totally, as the wipe swings both ways. the VS being in the middle. its only a short term setting for data until they swap out and wipe again. but the debacle on esamir i dug my nails in i hope.

edit** im still unsure about the aux collection. would it be better only from cont your on . .or empire owned. assuming they erradicate the AFK macro users that are around ,and no, i DO NOT agree with afk macro's now pop locks have been enabled! your only fucking up TR at the end of the day.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Thanks, appreciate your input. At the end of the day afkers will only go away if and when it becomes unprofitable to do so. I've done it myself because there's currently a system in place that rewards idling at the times you can't play and resource uptake (especially on the TR) has slowed to such a point that those who can't play all day every day can only hope to buy something like A2G rockets after several weeks of playing a little bit (by which time there will probably be a character wipe anyway).

In this sense (and the main purpose of my post) is to highlight that the resource gain system is fundamentally screwed up because now we've got an NC empire with several unlocks vs a vs/tr empire with little-none. The character wipe request was to do with the fact the devs have now limited pops, yet appeared to be happy to let the NC keep all their unlocks from before this was sorted out, to the detrement to the rest of us.
